Year-end giving

Haven't made your year-end giving donations yet? Enjoy some multimedia video reminders of the good that can come from it (besides tax deductions and...

December headlines from our archives

If your kids earned a dollar for every time someone says, "Remember when...." during family gatherings this Christmas, they might strike it rich enough...

Weekend calendar: Dec. 14-16

We're halfway through Advent. This weekend offers opportunities to prepare your heart for Christ's coming and embracing God's will. There's also plenty of chances...

A new video idea? Maybe.

Couldn't help but post these two videos that popped up on some Catholic Facebook feeds within about a week of each other. If you...

Weekend calendar: Dec. 7-9

Don't forget Mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 8 (vigil Masses Dec. 7), first Friday eucharistic adoration (try a list of...

Advent with cloistered Benedictine sisters Here's a video promo for an Advent album that we promoted through a "quick read" on page 2 of our Nov. 15 issue. It...

Weekend calendar: Nov. 30-Dec. 2

Thrift stores to feel good about — If you're shopping for Christmas gifts for the family, staff or school, feel free to check out:...

You shall believe, science tests faith

St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Chandler invites everyone — Catholic and non-Catholic alike — to its Year of Faith Advent event. Tim Francis, founder of You Shall Believe Ministries, will share the same presentation three times Dec. 1-3.

Cyber Monday for Catholics

In honor of Cyber Monday — what you failed to buy Black Friday, you’re now scouring the web for deals — I thought I’d share some online finds that spread and support the Catholic faith.

Saints in our midst: Vietnamese Martyrs

Parish facts: (Northern Avenue just west of 27th Avenue) Established July 1, 2004, exactly two months before St. Rose Philippine Duchesne in Anthem was founded. Dedicated...