Understanding Marriage through St. Ignatius of Loyola

Among the keys to understanding Pope Francis are the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. In the first of the four-week exercises, you discover yourself to be a sinner, who is unconditionally forgiven and loved by God. This perspective leads the Holy Father to see the Church as a field hospital, as a mother and teacher, and as a fountain of mercy. It is within this Ignatian perspective that the teaching of Pope Francis is best understood, including his latest Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family.

Entendiendo el matrimonio por medio de San Ignacio de Loyola

Entre los puntos claves para entender al Papa Francisco están los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola. En el primero de los ejercicios de cuatro semanas, descubres que tú mismo eres pecador, incondicionalmente perdonado y amado por Dios. Esta perspectiva conduce al Santo Padre a ver la Iglesia como un hospital de campaña, como madre y maestra y como una fuente de la misericordia. Es dentro de esta perspectiva Ignaciana que la enseñanza del Papa Francisco se entiende mejor, incluyendo su más reciente Exhortación Apostólica sobre el amor en la familia.

La paciencia por la libertad — El testimonio de San Anselmo

Anselmo fue elegido para dirigir la Iglesia en Inglaterra, en un tiempo en el que el Rey William Rufus quería a un arzobispo de Canterbury débil, un hombre al que pudiera controlar y utilizar para su propio beneficio. Anselmo, por su parte, no quería ser obispo; pidió no ser escogido, deseando permanecer en su monasterio en Bec, Francia, donde estaba sirviendo con gusto como el Abad.

Patience for freedom — The witness of St. Anselm

Anselm was chosen to lead the Church in England, at a time when King William Rufus wanted a weak archbishop in Canterbury, a man he could control and use for his own gain. Anselm, for his part, did not want to be a bishop; he begged not to be chosen, desiring to remain in his monastery in Bec, France where he was happily serving as abbot. But once chosen, Anselm threw himself mightily into the task and fought resolutely for religious freedom. He did this without failing to love the king but with love of God first: setting an example that would be imitated and carried forward by other English saints such as the martyrs Thomas Becket (a later successor in Canterbury), John Fisher and Thomas More.

How the RCIA began: The debt we owe to St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Doubt clouded the hearts of fourth century Christians. Confusion was sown by a priest named Arius. Dark storms of skepticism swept across large swaths...

Mercy transforms shame: What prepared Peter to be the first Pope

There were little signs since the day Jesus began to call disciples, but what most prepared Peter to be the first pope was the way Jesus dealt with his burden of guilt after his triple betrayal of his Master.

La Misericordia transforma la vergüenza

Qué preparó a Pedro para ser el primer Papa

Alegría que da la esperanza: San Juan Bosco

El Papa Francisco dice que conocemos a Jesús mejor a través de Sus heridas, las heridas encontradas en Sus hermanos y hermanas en necesidad; y servimos a Jesús mejor al ser un canal de Su gozo y misericordia. Sin duda esto era cierto para el Santo que la Iglesia honra el 31 de enero, San Juan Bosco.

Joy that gives hope: St. John Bosco

Pope Francis says that we get to know Jesus best through His wounds, the wounds found in His brothers and sisters in need; and we serve Jesus best by being a channel of His joy and mercy. This certainly was true for the saint whom the Church honors on Jan. 31, St. John Bosco.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Madre de Misericordia

Más que cualquier otro Santo, la Madre de Dios ha ayudado a personas a descubrir la misericordia de Dios. De hecho, es a través de María que la misericordia entró en la historia de la humanidad en la persona misma de su amado hijo, Jesús.