Local Serrans return from Serra International Conference in Rome

Have you ever wondered what you could do to show your appreciation to our priests, deacons and religious sisters and brothers who have dedicated their lives to serving the Catholic Church? Then you should consider checking in with one of our three local Serra Clubs.

Las Huellas de Dios en nuestro mundo

El corazón humano es una realidad única; nunca puede estar vacío. Siempre deseará y buscará la verdad, la bondad y la belleza.

Journalist with family ties to Juárez goes as both reporter and pilgrim

CIUDAD JUÁREZ ― There was lots of excitement as I drove with my family to Ciudad Juárez yesterday afternoon. For my family, this trip was three-fold. First, I am covering Pope Francis’ visit to this city. Secondly, we’re coming as pilgrims. And lastly, I’m coming home — my mother grew up in Juárez, and I’m staying with my aunt.

Count your blessings and give thanks

It is easy to slip into ungratefulness amid life's challenges, but remembering the everyday blessings God provides is an antidote to the woes of the world.

A true Christmas

We must wonder how many will truly celebrate Christmas this year, making it the best ever.

Acompañar e Iluminar

Hoy quiero considerar el trabajo pastoral de los sacerdotes, que, en la dirección espiritual y confesión, buscan ayudar a otros a encontrar la Amoris Laetitia, “La alegría del amor”. Previamente durante este año, el Papa Francisco, que ha hecho de la confesión un tema constante de su pontificado, escribió en su reciente libro, “El Nombre de Dios es Misericordia”, “Es importante que vaya al confesionario, que me ponga a mí mismo frente a un sacerdote que representa a Jesús, que me arrodille frente a la Madre Iglesia llamada a distribuir la misericordia de Dios. Hay una objetividad en este gesto, en arrodillarme frente al sacerdote, que en ese momento es el trámite de la gracia que me llega y me cura”.

El niño refugiado, Jesús

“Toma al niño y su madre, huye a Egipto …”. Con este comando del ángel, José, en medio de la noche, huyó de la masacre que Rey Herodes planificó para el niño Jesús; y la Sagrada Familia se convirtieron en refugiados (Mateo 2:13f).

Palm Sunday homily: ‘What wondrous love’

Read Bishop Olmsted's homily from Palm Sunday Mass.

Another coalition for religious freedom?

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 1990 decision in Employment Division v. Smith, a broad, bipartisan coalition quickly formed to restore to federal...

State-sanctioned killing is not about love

Before you say: “He would say that, he’s a bishop,” please hear me out. When it comes to calls for euthanasia, I get it, I really do. A few years ago, I was close to death.