Three Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary who once taught at a pair of diocesan elementary schools, are celebrating a lifetime of service to the church as a religious sister. It was part of a diamond jubilarian celebration held at the Mount Carmel Motherhouse Chapel Sept. 6 in Dubuque, Iowa for 26 sisters who entered the congregation in 1940-42 and 1945.

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Sr. Concetta Nava, BVM
Sr. Concetta Nava, BVM

Sr. Concetta Naba, BVM, entered the congregation in 1941 and taught at the parish and school at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tempe. She also taught in Iowa and Illinois before becoming a nurse assistant at the motherhouse in Iowa and a nurse aide at a home for the elderly.

Sr. Virginia McCaffrey, BVM
Sr. Virginia McCaffrey, BVM

Sr. Virginia McCaffrey, BVM, entered the congregation in 1942 and also taught at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Other teaching and administrative roles took Sr. McCaffrey to Chicago, Oklahoma City and the Los Angeles area where she also directed religious education and parish matters.

Sr. Mary Paulino Crabb, BVM
Sr. Mary Paulino Crabb, BVM

Sr. Mary Paulino Crabb, BVM, entered the congregation in 1945 and taught at St. Agnes. She went on to teach and serve as administrator at four elementary schools in California. She also taught art at a senior center.

The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary are largely educators, pastoral ministers, counselors and advocates for the elderly and immigrants. Others work in social services, healthcare and in prayer ministry.

The sisters’ ministries are spread across 20 states, including Washington D.C. plus Ecuador and Ghana. They value freedom, education, charity and justice.