Pope delights Philly crowd with spontaneous talk on families [VIDEO]

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — Pope Francis threw away a prepared text and, to the delight of tens of thousands of people on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, spoke from the heart about the challenges and love that come with being part of a family.

Glimpses of the World Meeting of Families [VIDEO]

Speakers and pilgrims at the World Meeting of Families survey the key challenges that face the family in today's world.

Public service announcement features Foundation for Senior Living clients

Clients who take advantage of Adult Day Health Services through the Foundation for Senior Living got a chance to support a public service ad that can help family caregivers receive vouchers that enable them to seek respite and their loved one to still receive top-notch care.

Pope to Congress: Stop bickering, world needs your help [VIDEO]

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The past, the promise and the potential of the United States must not be smothered by bickering and even hatred at a time when the U.S. people and indeed the world need a helping hand, Pope Francis told the U.S. Congress.

Behind Pope Francis’ special coffee blend [VIDEO]

As Pope Francis wakes up for the first time in the United States, the man featured here may be behind his morning cup of coffee.

Pope Francis arrives in the U.S. [VIDEO]


Cultivating Kinship on the margins [VIDEO]

This video highlights the mission of Service Learning Projects that takes University of Notre Dame students across the country to encounter those on the margins, including guests at André House in Phoenix.

Transmiten Misa dominical en español [VIDEO]

La Diócesis de Phoenix, a través de la Oficina de Misiones Hispanas, anunció la reanundación de la transmisión por televisión de las Misas dominicales en español, con la finalidad de llegar a aquellas personas que están imposibilidatas para asistir a la Iglesia para cumplir con ese precepto.

Kicking off the new catechetical year [VIDEO]

Parish leaders are getting excited for the new catechetical year and setting a new standard for relational ministry.

Pope to see knots for those in despair [VIDEO]

When Pope Francis arrives in Philadelphia, he will see a grotto dedicated to prayers for the struggles of the poor and his favorite painting, "Mary Undoer of Knots."