Holy and Healthy Priests

We come now to the sixth and final column of this series addressing the recent scandals that have so hurt the Church.

Las Huellas de Dios en nuestro mundo

El corazón humano es una realidad única; nunca puede estar vacío. Siempre deseará y buscará la verdad, la bondad y la belleza.

God’s Footprints in our world

The human heart is a unique reality; it can never be empty. It will always desire and seek after truth, goodness and beauty.

Jesus: The Truth who sets us free

“I am the way, the truth and the life.” The day after Jesus pronounced these words to His disciples in the upper room, Pilate asked Him, “What is truth?”

Q&A with Bishop Olmsted: A look at the past, present and future of the...

"It was one of the very few dioceses where I didn’t know any priests, deacons, religious or lay leaders before I arrived..." the bishop said, "Now I feel very much like the spiritual father, and I feel so close to this family."

Los Trascendentales: El poder de un buen corazón vuelto hacia Dios

Durante estas Tiempos del Adviento y la Navidad, recordamos a Ebenezer Scrooge, el famoso protagonista de la obra literaria maestra de Charles Dickens, “Cuento de Navidad”. Tenía un objetivo en la vida: ganar mucho dinero.

The Transcendentals: The power of a good heart turned toward God

During this Advent-Christmas Season, we remember Ebenezer Scrooge, the famous protagonist of Charles Dickens’ master literary work, “A Christmas Carol.”

The Voice of Jesus: First in a Series

In this “Christian” race, we are not competing against one another but against the physical and spiritual obstacles that stand in the way of holiness.

‘Mentiras malditas, y vivir el Evangelio de la vida’

La cita anterior de San Juan Pablo II fue publicada en 1995, cuando la ecografía 4D aún no estaba disponible, cuando el asalto patológico a la verdad de Roe v. Wade tenía sólo 22 años.

‘Damned Lies, and Living the Gospel of Life’

The above quote from St. John Paul II was published in 1995, when the 4D ultrasound was not yet available, when Roe v. Wade’s pathological assault on truth was just 22 years old.