Formation of conscience guarantees freedom
Married love “advances gradually with the progressive integration of the gifts of God” (#122), says Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation on the Joy of Love in the Family. There is no limit to the spouses’ ability to participate in the infinite charity which is the Holy Spirit (cf. #134). “Even amid unresolved conflicts and confused emotional situations, they daily reaffirm their decision to love, to belong to one another, to share their lives and to continue loving and forgiving. Each progresses along the path of personal growth and development. On this journey, love rejoices at every step and in every new stage” (#163). On this journey to full maturity in Christ, the Church accompanies married couples and assists them in the lifelong task of formation of conscience which, as the Catechism says (#1784), “guarantees freedom and engenders peace of heart.”
What went wrong in priestly formation?
For centuries, the Church has been referred to as the “Barque of St. Peter” passing over the waters toward her heavenly destiny. It was in Peter’s boat that Jesus sat as He taught the crowds (Cf. Lk 5).
Catholic and American? Part three in a series
The Catholic standard for discerning the viability and wisdom of when to assimilate to a culture, or when to resist assimilation, must be the Gospel of Jesus as handed down to us within the Church, and as celebrated in the Sacred Liturgy.
Alegría que da la esperanza: San Juan Bosco
El Papa Francisco dice que conocemos a Jesús mejor a través de Sus heridas, las heridas encontradas en Sus hermanos y hermanas en necesidad; y servimos a Jesús mejor al ser un canal de Su gozo y misericordia. Sin duda esto era cierto para el Santo que la Iglesia honra el 31 de enero, San Juan Bosco.
Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Four: Hear the Cry of the Poor
Pope Francis also hears their cry and has made service of the poor a top priority in his life and ministry. Repeatedly, since his election as pope, he has called for a Church of the poor, a Church for the poor. Let us see why pastoral concern for the poor is so important.
The blessing of a fruitful life; Part four: Dealing with infertility
The 25th of this month of July will mark the 44th anniversary of one of the most prophetic documents in the history of the...
Desiring Heaven is an acquired taste
In Rome, amid the district of four-star hotels, expensive restaurants and luxurious residences on Via Veneto, there resides a strange church belonging to the Capuchin Friars called Santa Maria della Concezione, popularly known as the “Bone Church.”
Open Letter to Pope Benedict XVI
With filial affection and deep gratitude, I greet you in my own name and the name of my Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares and all the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Phoenix, and I assure you of our best wishes and prayers as you prepare for retirement from the duties of the Petrine ministry.
Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Seven: His Vision of Parish Life
Pope Francis' words give us insight into some of his top priorities as the Bishop of Rome. It is worthwhile, then, to look briefly at what he writes about parish life today.
La Muerte con Cristo: Camino a la Vida Eterna
Según una leyenda griega, Damocles, de la corte de la regla del tirano de Siracusa, expresó su deseo de las riquezas y los placeres del rey sólo por un día.