Tax Credit Guide a timely ‘how-to’ for painless year-end giving
Would you prefer your state taxes go to serving needy individuals in our community? Why not take a “rebate” of up to $400 for our diocesan Catholic charitable organizations such as St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Charities, and Foundation for Senior Living?
What can we even say about December’s massacre at Newtown, Conn.?
Adam Lanza murdered his mother, forced his way into a school, and killed 20 children and six adults before killing himself. There was a depressing familiarity to it.
Letters to Gluestick: On the temptation of a particular family in the Year of...
On the occasion of the Year of Faith, the following is the first in a series of “letters” from a demonic supervisor to his underling regarding a plan to dismantle a family and ruin souls. It is not an original idea, but a variation on a theme begun by the great C.S. Lewis in his classic satirical book, “The Screwtape Letters.”
Letters to Gluestick: Part 2: Exploiting the temptations of a particular family
On the occasion of the Year of Faith, the following is the second in a series of “letters” from a demonic supervisor to his underling regarding a plan to dismantle a family and ruin souls. It is not an original idea, but a variation on a theme begun by the great C.S. Lewis in his classic satirical book, “The Screwtape Letters.”
Letters to Gluestick, part 3: The marriage ‘obstacle’ insult!
Editor’s Note: On the occasion of the Year of Faith, the following is the second in a series of “letters” from a demonic supervisor...
Year-end tax credit for schools a gift worth giving… and receiving
Christmas wishes for many children frequently involve things that are fun and flashy, cool and hip, or maybe loud and fast. And for adults, often the impractical (or what some might also call “re-gifts”).
Streaming TV for pre-teens: Fraught with peril or promise?
Catholic News Service's media editor reviews a service from Canada called Ameba, which offers streaming video for kids. Content is entertaining, educational and music-based.
Arizona Catholic Conference 2014 legislative wrap-up
On April 24, the Arizona Legislature adjourned sine die at 1:46 a.m., after spending 101 days in session. Like last year, the number of bills introduced was somewhat lower than normal with just over 1,300 pieces of legislation offered this session, about 300 of which actually became law.
Forgiveness & Peace: Tucson deacon reflects on what it was like to minister to...
I prayed the rosary seven times as I sat in a small cinderblock room watching Joe gasp for air. He finally died one hour and 58 minutes later. In that time of prayer came oneness with Mary in my heart. I realized that no amount of screaming or pleading by me was going to stop what was unfolding. I, too, had to trust in God.
A letter to my former pro-choice self on the 43rd anniversary of Roe v....
Dear Becky,
I’m writing to share something that will astonish you. You won’t believe me now — much you will have to dissect, argue with, and hear again. You’ll bark at me, roll your eyes, snicker. You’ll probably storm off.