Giving thanks in the midst of senseless tragedy
When I first heard about what happened to Albert Quihuis, 90, and his wife, Sophia, 87, my initial reaction was outrage.
Don’t give up on forever: Tips to save your marriage
“Do you want the American Flag stamps or the Forever stamps?” the lady behind the counter asked. “The Forever stamps are, well, forever. Some people have a hard time understanding that,” she added, wrinkling her brow.
Just like at Sea of Galilee, Jesus calls us to turn to Him in...
The wind whipped our faces and a steady rain fell as we stood aboard the simple fishing boat that had set sail on the Sea of Galilee.
Media ignores grisly murder trial, but pictures don’t lie
Not the blood-spattered walls, not the unsterilized surgical instruments, not the corpses of tiny babies kept in cat food containers are of interest to reporters and their editors these days, unless of course they belong to the Catholic or pro-life press.
Trusting in God, moving forward in faith
Keep moving and trust that God will clear the way. He did it for Mary Magdalene, my friend Tom and countless people in between. He’ll do the same thing for each one of His children who place their trust in Him.
Big Brother tells Church to pay up — or get buried in fines
Years ago when our five children were small, my husband and I managed to keep them insulated from the corrupting influence of the pagan society in which we live. They had never heard the word “stupid” and no one had ever uttered the words “shut up” in their presence.
Media elite promote trash while trashing the good stuff
Call me an optimist, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, the new film “For Greater Glory” might help thaw the hearts of...
Love of God shines in ‘Drop Box’ movie about abandoned babies
The “baby box” he set up at the front of his home looks like it could be a mailbox, but there’s a sign over it that reads “Leave babies here.” And many desperate parents do.
Spiritual warfare: Are you armed and ready for battle?
There were maybe a dozen or so of us in the Bible study group, seated on comfortable chairs, a candle flickering on the table in the center of the room as we discussed a chapter of Acts.
Giving thanks in all things, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense
It’s that time of year when Americans turn their hearts toward home and prepare for a Thanksgiving feast, one that brings us around the table to celebrate.