Holiness is for everyone

In the earliest centuries of the Christian faith, the rite of Baptism with its powerful gestures, words and symbolism had a strong emphasis on conversion, a radical reorientation of one’s whole life away from sin and toward God.

La santidad es para todos

En los primeros siglos de la fe cristiana, el rito del Bautismo con sus gestos, palabras y simbolismo potentes, tenía un fuerte énfasis en la conversión, una reorientación radical de la vida del pecado y hacia Dios.

Just like at Sea of Galilee, Jesus calls us to turn to Him in...

The wind whipped our faces and a steady rain fell as we stood aboard the simple fishing boat that had set sail on the Sea of Galilee.

State of the Campaign for October 2018: Stewardship of Relationship

When we hear the word “stewardship,” our mind can easily think of time, talent and treasure — which are true and important.

Pilgrimage to Italy, St. Paul VI’s birthplace, brings ‘Humanae Vitae’ home

This summer I was blessed with being a part of the USCCB’s delegation at the five-day “‘Humanae Vitae’ Congresso Internazionale — The Fecundity of a Letter From the Future” which was organized for the 50th anniversary of Pope St. Paul VI’s prophetic document, in Brescia, Italy.

La fe proclamada y vivida

Cualquier peregrino que llegue ante de la Basílica de San Pedro en Roma inmediatamente siente una sensación de alegría y majestad, ante las inmensas proporciones y calidad excepcional del arte y la arquitectura.

Faith proclaimed and lived

Any pilgrim arriving before St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome immediately feels a sense of joy and majesty, before the immense proportions and exceptional quality of the art and architecture.

Crisis points to need for repentance, conversion, courageous witness

Tumultuous. That’s the word that comes to mind when I ponder the unfolding crisis in the Catholic Church.

85 years of encountering, serving Jesus in our community’s most vulnerable

Hopefully you are already familiar with our faith-based work: We strengthen families, protect and nurture children, serve the poor and marginalized and help people in crisis find safety, stability and ultimately thrive.

State of the Campaign for August 2018

This month, we celebrate a landmark moment in the “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” campaign: the opening of St. John Paul II High School in Avondale.