Las puertas del infierno están cerradas por dentro, Segunda Sección

El mes pasado, comencemos a considerar una de las doctrinas cristianas que muchos encuentran profundamente preocupante, a saber, el infierno.

Fathers forever: Our priests lead the way, lay down their lives

May each of us call them “Father” and lovingly support them until they are called home to the Eternal Father.

‘Do this in memory of me’ — A Catholic reflection on Memorial Day

Our Memorial Day was originally known as “Decoration Day,” an opportunity to decorate many graves of the over 600,000 men who died in the Civil War.

Arizona Catholic Conference 2018 Legislative Wrap-Up

On May 4, the Arizona Legislature adjourned sine die after spending 116 days in session. In total, more than 1,300 pieces of legislation were introduced with just over 300 of them set to become law.

Water and Spirit

I was an undergrad in philosophy at The Catholic University of America when I had the opportunity to attend an off-campus lecture by Rev. Alexander Schmemann, dean of St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary in New York and one of the most eminent English-speaking theologians in the Orthodox world.

‘The Gates of hell are locked on the inside,’ Section One

Hell is one of the least popular of all Christian doctrines. Many people have trouble reconciling the existence of hell with the truth that God is all good and all loving.

‘Las puertas del infierno están cerradas por dentro’, Primera sección

El infierno es uno de los menos populares de todas las doctrinas Cristianas. Muchas personas tienen problemas para reconciliar la existencia del infierno con la verdad que Dios es todo amor y todo bien.

Three steps to joy

“Evangelii Gaudium,” “Amoris Laetitia” and, now, “Gaudete et Exsultate.” What do they have in common? They were written by Pope Francis? Yes. They are apostolic exhortations? Yes. More important? Joy.

State of the Campaign for April 2018

I’m often asked the question, “How do we build engagement in our parish?” I think the answer is threefold: personal invitation, conversion and answering the call to be an intentional disciple of Jesus!

Trusting in God, moving forward in faith

Keep moving and trust that God will clear the way. He did it for Mary Magdalene, my friend Tom and countless people in between. He’ll do the same thing for each one of His children who place their trust in Him.