Media literacy skills for Catholics

With an average consumption of over 12 hours of electronic mass media daily in the U.S., they're vital skills to have and use.

Word to Life: Oct. 30, 2016, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Amid last summer’s series of tragic shootings in cities across the country, a news story reported that the alleged gunman who killed several police officers in Dallas had received tactical instruction at a private self-defense academy two years earlier.

As ‘Missionary of mercy and peace,’ Pope Francis brought hope and joy to a...

When I went to Ciudad Juárez this year, I wasn’t simply covering Pope Francis’ apostolic visit. For me, in a way, it was a chance to return home.

Holy Week, Easter provide new beginnings

When you get right down to it, the message of Easter is one of hope. Jesus is victorious over sin and death and offers each of us the gift of new life.

Movies: The Irishman

NEW YORK (CNS) — The disappearance of union boss Jimmy Hoffa, who vanished without a trace in 1975, has never been explained. But that doesn’t deter director Martin Scorsese from solving the mystery in “The Irishman” (Netflix), an epic historical drama.

We must take a stand for Christ in our culture

If there’s one thing this rancorous political season has revealed, it’s that America is in a battle for its soul. Who are we and what do we stand for?

Event of the decade

From a Catholic perspective, few if any dates were more significant during the decade than Feb. 11, 2013.

Myopic view continues to ignore, discount beliefs of millions

It’s what’s missing from mainstream media news coverage that explains a lot about the mindset of those who wield power in America’s newsrooms and the growing number of people who shun traditional news sources.

Voces de fe: El Gobernador Raúl Castro, un hombre de fe

Cuando todavía era un adolescente, Raúl Castro acudió a una celebración del Día de Independencia en Douglas, Arizona, en la que el primer gobernador...

Word to Life: Nov. 6, 2016, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

While reading this week’s Scriptures a song from the 2005 David Crowder Band album, “A Collision,” came to mind. One line in the song says, “Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.” The reading from 2 Maccabees describes how many members of the Maccabee family were tortured and martyred by the occupying Greek army. To a person, they all welcomed death rather than violating their faith because they knew they would see God upon their death.