Pro-life Essay Contest (see flyer)
Grades: 7-12 / Due: 2/21/25
Grand Prize: $250 + the winner will read their essay on stage at the Arizona March for Life!
Pro-life Video Contest
Grades: 7-12 / Due: 2/21/25
Grand Prize: $250
Pro-life Poster Contest
Grades: K-12 / Due: 3/15/25 at the Arizona March for Life! (arrive by 10am)
The Arizona State Knights of Columbus will select (and print!) the Grand Prize winning poster as the 2026 Arizona March for Life Official Student Poster! Arizona Life Coalition will select the first place winner in grades K-4 / 5-8 / 9-12, and each winner will receive $50 and a certificate of excellence!
All student entries may be featured on our newsletters and media showcasing the best and brightest students in pro-life!
For information, contact Jill McCabe /