The Board of Directors of the Catholic Community Foundation has announced a $50,000 matching gift to create the Sanctity of Life Fund, a perpetual endowment that will address the need for sustainable funding for vital pro-life programs and organizations in the Diocese of Phoenix.

The “Sanctity of Life” fund is a response to the 40th anniversary of the infamous Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision, which effectively legalized abortion on demand. The fund is dedicated to the protection of human beings whose right to life is threatened — from conception to natural death. This is the only perpetually endowed fund that supports pro-life issues in the Diocese of Phoenix, which will serve the pro-life effort for years to come.
The foundation is actively seeking donors to meet the dollar-for-dollar match of up to $50,000. Annual grants will be awarded from the annual distribution of the fund to organizations whose programs or activities demonstrate the most influence and impact in the area of pro-life education and provision of assistance in the Diocese of Phoenix.
The Sanctity of Life Fund is a communal fund, open to anyone; it allows for collective gifts of any size, to be compiled in support this vital effort. Like-minded individuals are invited to inquire about how they too may join this effort to sustain long-term needs of those fighting on behalf of the innocent, whose lives are at risk.
“The Catholic Community Foundation plays an integral role in supporting pro-life issues through the first and only endowed fund in the Diocese of Phoenix,” said Maria Chavira, immediate past chairman of the board of directors. “This fund will make it possible to award grants to programs and agencies within our community focused on pro-life issues; uniquely transforming our generation.”
Gifts can be made online at and clicking “Donate Now” or by calling the Catholic Community Foundation at (602) 354.2400.

The Sanctity of Life Fund is a managed by the Catholic Community Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization that provides professional management of endowments, funds, and programs, allowing generous people to pass along their Catholic values for generations to come.