Philadelphia archbishop urges ‘new men’ to stand for truth at annual men’s conference

Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap, urged a gathering of more than 1,300 men Feb. 3 to become “new men” in the battle to reclaim their God-directed roles as leaders of their families and communities.

JP2 Celebration to kick off year-long celebration marking 50 years of ‘Humanae Vitae’

Fifty years ago, in the midst of the sexual revolution, Blessed Pope Paul IV took a courageous step in promulgating his encyclical “Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life),” says Katrina Zeno, coordinator of the John Paul II Theology of the Body Resource Center.

Visiting archbishop at Red Mass: ‘Alleviate suffering,’ stay true to Church’s mission

Political seasons and politicians come and go, but for more than 700 years, the Red Mass has brought together lawyers, judges, public officials and community leaders to pray for the God’s strength and guidance.

CDA gears up to spread hope through outpouring of love

The coming days are prime time to discern how individuals and families will support this year’s effort which supports daily outreach in more than 70 charitable apostolates. The 2018 Charity and Development Appeal kicks off Feb. 10-11 at parishes.

Catholic Charities promotes familiar face to oversee programs

CarrieLynn Mascaro will be promoted to yet another role that demands her experience, dedication and passion for the most vulnerable.

Candlemas, or Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Feb. 2

Many folk legends are attached to this Irish abbess. However, one fact from her earliest biography in the seventh century remains unchallenged: She was superior of a double monastery — for nuns and monks — at Kildare in the years after St. Patrick’s death.

At Circle the City, end-of-life care also serves as hopeful beginning [VIDEO]

Pride almost killed him. Accepting help is prolonging his life and changing his outlook.

‘She came and prayed asking St. Sharbel to cure her’

The Monday of Jan. 18, 2016 was not just your ordinary day in Phoenix. It is a day that will always be remembered as the day that Dafne Gutiérrez, a young blind Hispanic woman and mother of four children, got her vision restored to normal through the intercession of St. Sharbel.

Thousands unite their voice, spirits during Arizona for Life March and Rally

A chilly overcast day did not deter the estimated 4,500 people gathered together Jan. 20 to celebrate life and raise awareness for the growing pro-life movement at the Arizona for Life March and Rally in downtown Phoenix.

Dcn Roy Anderson (1919-2018): devoted dad, faith sharing trailblazer, Vincentian

Dcn. Anderson introduced Small Christian Communities to his Illinois parish and later brought it to St. Daniel. He raised seven children.