Pray for the grace to see needs of others, pope tells faithful

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- A Catholic's vocation is to bring God to every aspect of one's life: to work, the family and serving the community, Pope Francis said in a message. "Do not be afraid and abandon yourselves" to God's will, he said in the message sent to people taking part in a national congress on vocations in Spain. "The Spirit will surprise you at every step," inspiring believers "to reduce the distance that separates you from God and your brother or sister, to change your course and encounter Jesus in the embrace of the one to whom you are sent," the pope wrote. Members of lay movements and associations, religious congregations, bishop

Pope: Vocation of military and police is to defend life, peace, justice

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Thanking members of the military and the police for their service, Pope Francis asked them to be on guard against seeing other people as enemies and instead dedicate their lives to defending life, peace and justice."Be vigilant lest you be poisoned by propaganda that instills hatred (and) divides the world into friends to be defended and foes to fight," the pope wrote in his homily for the Mass Feb. 9 for the Jubilee of the Armed Services, Police and Security Personnel.

AI is human creation that must be controlled by humans, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Artificial intelligence or any other technology that worsens inequality around the world and increases fake news should not be embraced as "progress," Pope Francis told business and government leaders meeting in Davos, Switzerland. "Technological developments that do not improve life for everyone, but instead create or worsen inequalities and conflicts, cannot be called true progress," the pope said in a message to the World Economic Forum.

Be not afraid, because God is always near, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- God tells Christians not to be afraid because he is always close, accompanying the faithful throughout their lives and through all their challenges, Pope Francis said "God says 'Do not be afraid' to Abraham, Isaac" and many others in the Bible, but "he says it to us, too. 'Be not afraid,' keep going," because God "is your traveling companion," the pope said Jan. 22 during his weekly general audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall.

Investing in common good reaps greater benefits, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The best investments to make are the ones that benefit other people, Pope Francis said. "When we put wealth at the service of the dignity of people, we cannot but profit, always. Indeed, promoting the common good improves the bonds of the society in which we participate," he said during an audience at the Vatican Jan. 18, with a Catholic foundation funding different projects in Verona, Italy.

Let hope lead your lives, pope tells seminarians

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- During the Holy Year 2025, which is centered on proclaiming a message of hope, Pope Francis told future priests to let hope be the guiding principle of their lives. "In the journey of life, we could identify hope as the signpost that marks our itinerary," he said during a meeting with seminarians from Córdoba, Spain, Jan. 17.

Best gift a child can receive is faith, pope says at baptisms

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- When children are baptized, their parents and the church are giving them the greatest gift ever: the gift of faith, Pope Francis said before baptizing 21 infants in the Sistine Chapel. "Let us ask the Lord that they grow in the faith, a true humanity (and) in the joy of family," he said in his brief homily at Mass on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jan. 12. Afterward, he led the recitation of the Angelus prayer with visitors gathered in St. Peter's Square.

Pope offers prayers for those impacted by LA wildfires

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- "I am praying for all of you," Pope Francis said, using his televised Sunday Angelus address to speak directly to the people impacted by the wildfires in Southern California. "I am close to the residents of Los Angeles County, California, where devastating fires have broken out in recent days," the pope told thousands of people gathered in St. Peter's Square Jan. 12 to pray the Angelus with him.

Christ’s birth brings light to a troubled world, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In a troubled world, the birth of Christ reveals God's unwavering determination to draw all people to himself and illuminate even the darkest corners, Pope Francis said. Despite being born into a world "where there is a great need for light, for hope and a need for peace, a world where people at times create situations so complicated that it seems impossible to get out of them," Jesus, the pope said, opens windows of light "even in the darkest nights of humanity."

God does not reject, forget anyone, pope says on feast of Epiphany

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Just as the star over Bethlehem called to and welcomed everyone to encounter the newborn Jesus, God today calls on the faithful to welcome everyone, creating safe, open spaces to find warmth and shelter, Pope Francis said. The star is in the sky not to remain distant and inaccessible, he said, "but so that its light may be visible to all, that it may reach every home and overcome every barrier, bringing hope to the most remote and forgotten corners of the planet," he said.