Papal devotion: Especially in times of trial, pope turns to St. Joseph

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — St. Joseph is the patron saint of retired Pope Benedict XVI — Joseph Ratzinger — but Pope Francis’ devotion to the husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus is clear as well.

Cardinal, chaplain praise Scalia as man of faith, family and the law

"A good government should not impede the religious practices of its people. ... Its main function is here, ensuring a safe, just and cooperative society," the Supreme Court Justice once said.

Pope to priests: Exhaustion is part of ministry; find renewal in Christ

Priestly ministry is hard, sometimes lonely or dangerous work serving the neediest with an open, vulnerable heart, Pope Francis told the world's priests. But priests need to learn how to draw strength from their flock and their love for God.

Elderly woman brutally attacked in Omaha church responds with forgiveness [VIDEO] OMAHA, Neb. (CNA/EWTN News) — Police have arrested one suspect in the assault and robbery of a 76-year-old woman at Omaha’s Catholic cathedral —...

Trump administration expands exemptions on contraceptive mandate

Interim rules are now in place for religious employers concerned about the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate.

Pope calls for stronger preparation for sacrament of marriage

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Every heart longs for unconditional love and fidelity, Pope Francis said.

Getty Fire impacts a Catholic university, schools and retired sisters

By Oct. 29, the fire had burned more than 600 acres and was 5% contained with at least eight homes destroyed.

Rain, rubble: With no help in sight, Nepalese try to salvage possessions

Five days after a powerful earthquake sowed death and devastation in Nepal, victims could be seen trying to salvage possessions from mountains of rubble amid intermittent rain in the suburbs of Kathmandu.

U.S. officials seek greater cooperation with Vatican on religious freedom

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Promoting religious freedom, providing humanitarian assistance and fighting human trafficking are three major issues the Vatican and the U.S. administration agree on and on which they will continue to coordinate efforts, panelists said at a joint symposium.

Mosaic of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam unveiled at basilica in Washington

WASHINGTON (CNS) — A mosaic of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, was unveiled in Washington Jan. 26,...