Abbott signs ‘heartbeat’ abortion law, says Texans work to protect life

The new Texas "heartbeat" abortion law "will save thousands of lives and is a vital step on the road to abolishing all abortions in Texas," said Texas Right to Life after Gov. Greg Abbott signed the measure into law.

Franciscan leaders urge ‘boldness’ by U.S. to end violence in Holy Land

The Franciscan order's six U.S. provincials told President Joe Biden in a joint letter May 19 that "now is the time for boldness to end the immediate violence" in the Holy Land.

Pope: Vatican media must be creative, take risks, fulfill purpose

Do not let organizational hierarchy impede serving its actual purpose, Pope Francis told the Vatican's communications office.

Say ‘yes’ to the Holy Spirit, ‘no’ to divisive ideologies, pope says

The Holy Spirit's gift of comfort and solace is meant to unite all men and women and not take sides with any ideology, Pope Francis said on Pentecost.

World needs witness of Christian unity, pope says at Pentecost vigil

The divisions among Christians are a result of sin and must be overcome with new efforts at reconciliation and unity so that the world will believe that the Gospel truly is good news, Pope Francis said.

Draw lessons from St. Ignatius’ cannonball experience, pope says

Sometimes a person's dreams and aspirations go up in smoke, but God always is there with bigger and better plans, Pope Francis said, pointing to St. Ignatius of Loyola as an example.

Pope to students: Rediscover importance of face-to-face relationships

After going so long without in-person learning and face-to-face contact with others, young people now should be more discerning and judicious concerning their time online, Pope Francis told students.

Germany looks for church reform, causing concern among some Catholics

Catholics around the world have their eyes on Germany as it works for change through its "Synodal Path," which is debating the issues of power, sexual morality, priestly life and the role of women in the church.

Catholic Palestinian gets kidney transplant from slain Jewish Israeli

For nine years, Randa Aweis battled kidney disease, urgently in need of a transplant.

St. Dominic inspires Christians to be ‘missionary disciples,’ pope says

St. Dominic de Guzmán's zeal for preaching the Gospel remains an example in today's world in the Catholic Church's mission to spread the Good News, Pope Francis said.