Pope to meet with sex abuse victims, confirms investigation of Bertone

Pope Francis will meet with a group of sex abuse victims for the first time in June, he told reporters May 26.

Memorial Day doesn’t stand out for those who never forget the fallen

Memorial Day, the traditional kickoff of summer marked by family getaways, cookouts, picnics and parades, also includes somber events the day was created for such as wreath-laying ceremonies, prayer services and visits to war memorials. A few miles from the major war memorials, two Vietnam veterans at the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, planned to mark the holiday without any fanfare.

Pope invites Israeli, Palestinian leaders to Rome to pray for peace

Pope Francis invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres to pray together at the Vatican for peace between their nations.

Bethlehem residents look forward to papal visit, despite inconveniences

A long line of cars trailed down the road next to the Church of the Nativity as Franciscan Father Ibrahim Faltas helped coordinate the placement of the electricity generator for the May 25 papal Mass.

Phoenix couple’s trip to Rome goes viral

Christine Accurso said she made the trip of a lifetime in traveling to Rome for the April 27 canonization of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II.

Nigerian church groups organize prayers for missing schoolgirls

Religious groups in Nigeria's northeastern Borno state have organized prayer sessions and other activities to support the rescue of kidnapped schoolgirls. Groups had increased their prayers after about 200 villagers were killed in the state earlier in the week.

Pope: Christianity means giving witness to Christ every day

Christianity is not a school of ideas or a collection of beautiful temples and lovely art; it is a living people who follow Jesus and give witness to him every day, Pope Francis said.

Fight the blues with the Eucharist and Gospel, Pope Francis says

Receive Communion every Sunday and read the Gospel every day to keep discouragement and the blues away, Pope Francis said.

Cardinal: Officials who support abortion should not receive Communion

Catholic politicians and judges who support laws in conflict with church teaching on abortion, euthanasia, marriage and related issues commit "sacrilege" and cause "grave scandal" if they receive Communion, said the U.S. cardinal who heads the Vatican's highest court.

Deportations bring a bitter rift among immigration reform advocates

The united front of President Barack Obama and advocates for comprehensive immigration reform has tarnished and taken on an increasingly bitter tinge over deportations.