Cardinal says Gosnell’s atrocities point to ‘liberal abortion culture’

If New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushes to have "a right to an abortion" codified in state law, he will face "vociferous" and "rigorous" opposition from Catholic and other pro-lifers, said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York.

Fellowship’s campus missionaries help college students find ‘meaning’

A diverse group of young college women lounged on couches at the entrance of the George Mason University Student Union on a recent afternoon. Ninoska Moratin, a campus missionary with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, better known as FOCUS, entreated the students to review their week as she began the Bible study.

Annual audit shows number of abuse allegations in church dropped in 2012

The annual audit of diocesan compliance with the U.S. Catholic Church's "Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People" found a drop in the number of allegations, number of victims and number of offenders reported in 2012.

Papal observer urges U.N. to take steps to end violence in Syria

World leaders must step up to call for an end to the escalating violence in war-torn Syria to stop the killing of innocent people and halt human rights violations, said the Vatican's permanent observer to the United Nations.

Researchers’ embryonic stem-cell advance decried as morally troubling

As Oregon scientists announced May 15 that they had successfully converted human skin cells into embryonic stem cells, the chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities warned that the technique is morally troubling on many levels.

Archbishop says people returning to confession because of pope

The head of the Vatican office promoting new evangelization said that while he does not like the terms "Francis effect" or "Francis bump," it is true that "Pope Francis has touched the hearts and minds of many people."

Gosnell’s conviction shows ‘ugliness of abortion,’ archbishop says

Dr. Kermit Gosnell may have been convicted May 13 of murder at his Philadelphia abortion clinic, but "nothing can bring back the innocent children he killed, or make up for the vulnerable women he exploited," said Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.

Pope says there are no part-time Christians; faith is a full-time job

Catholics can't put their faith on a part-time schedule or rely on it just for the moments they choose; being Christian is a full-time occupation, Pope Francis said. If people don't open their hearts to the Holy Spirit to let God purify and enlighten them, then "our being Christian will be superficial," the pope said May 15 at his weekly general audience.

Bishops say full effect of ‘redefining marriage’ will be felt for years

The "full social and legal effects" of state lawmakers' decision to legalize same-sex marriage "will begin to manifest themselves in the years ahead," said the Minnesota Catholic Conference.

Pope tells sisters the Church needs them, they need the Church

Pope Francis told 800 superiors of women's orders from around the world that the Catholic Church needs religious women and that religious women need to be in harmony with the faith and teachings of the church.