Catholic advocates monitoring issues raised by extractive industries

In his State of the Union address last year, President Barack Obama called for an "all of the above" strategy on domestic energy production. In this year's State of the Union remarks, Obama said, "No area is more ripe for such innovation than energy."

Arkansas is eighth state with fetal pain law; court challenge expected

Both houses of the Arkansas Legislature voted to override Gov. Mike Beebe's veto of a fetal pain bill, outlawing most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Cardinals’ meetings begin with business, then look toward choosing pope

The world's cardinals were to begin meetings at the Vatican March 4, and while onlookers are focused on who may be the next pope, the cardinals have business to deal with.

Cardinals’ Catch-22: eager for conclave, but need time to choose well

Cardinal-electors are caught in a Catch-22. They are eager to give the world a new pope; however, they need time to pick the right leader, said South Africa's cardinal.

Hungarian cardinal’s ministry, reach extend well beyond Europe

Hungarian Cardinal Peter Erdo ministers from the heart of Europe, but with a concern and contacts that span the globe.

Cardinal focuses on evangelizing power of Catholic social teaching

Taking the helm of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in 2009, near the beginning of the global financial crisis, Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson's work has focused heavily on promoting Pope Benedict XVI's calls for more carefully regulated international markets and for real solidarity with the poor.

‘Texting’ boosts literacy in rural African villages

Even in the most remote of villages Niger, the familiar sound of a cell phone’s default ringtone can still interrupt a business meeting.

Outspoken Honduran cardinal known for charm, international charity work

Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, 70, is a personal ambassador of the Catholic Church's emergency relief and development aid and probably the best-known Latin American member of the College of Cardinals.

Cardinal welcomes opportunity to discuss mutual concerns with Obama

New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan in a letter to President Barack Obama accepted a White House offer to continue discussing the Catholic Church's concerns about abortion, traditional marriage and federal rules governing implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Young, new Philippine cardinal has extensive international ties

At 55, Cardinal Luis Tagle of Manila, Philippines, is one of the youngest and newest members of the College of Cardinals, but he is also one of the cardinals most frequently mentioned as a possible pope.