Pope says using Tinder is ‘normal,’ talks inclusivity in Disney documentary

Wanting to meet potential partners through dating apps like Tinder is "normal," and the church's teaching on sex is "still in diapers," Pope Francis said in a conversation with a group of young people gathered in Rome.

Pope tells priests: Be agents of harmony, not division

Priests "anointed" by the Holy Spirit should be authentic agents of harmony rather than "instruments of division," Pope Francis said.

Everyone can ‘fall,’ pope tells inmates; Jesus wants to save each one

Jesus never abandons anyone; he has come to save, serve and accompany everyone, Pope Francis told young inmates.

Pope prays at home while thousands attend Way of the Cross at Colosseum

Instead of presiding over the nighttime Way of the Cross seated atop a hillside overlooking Rome's Colosseum, Pope Francis followed the service from his Vatican residence, spiritually united in prayer with the 20,000 people gathered outside the ancient amphitheater April 7.

Pope at Easter: Roll away the stone of sadness, encounter the Risen Lord

Easter is the time "to roll away the stone of the tombs in which we often imprison our hope and to look with confidence to the future, for Christ is risen and has changed the direction of history," Pope Francis said as he celebrated the Easter Vigil Mass.

Pope prays that Easter joy would break through gloom of sin, war, strife

On a bright spring morning, Pope Francis prayed that Christians would experience the joy of Easter and allow Christ's resurrection to be "the light that illumines the darkness and the gloom in which, all too often, our world finds itself enveloped."

Share Easter joy with others, pope urges

The women disciples, who were the first to meet the risen Jesus, offer a lesson to all Christians: "We encounter Jesus by giving witness to him," Pope Francis said.

‘Keyboard warriors’ don’t evangelize, pope says, they just argue

Sharing the Gospel requires literally "going out," witnessing to the joy of faith in person and not just sitting at home, being "keyboard warriors" who argue with others online, Pope Francis said.

Pope wants truth out on missing Vatican girl, says lead prosecutor

The Vatican's chief prosecutor said Pope Francis has given him free rein to investigate the 1983 disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, a 15-year-old Vatican resident.

North American Catholics identify harm of polarization, bishop says

In their discussions about the life of the church and "synodality," or walking together, Catholics in United States and Canada noted the negative impact "polarization" is having on the church, said Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas.