Adopt-A-Family sponsors bring Christmas home for needy families
Megan Kaiser had to humble herself five years ago. She and her husband finally worked up the nerve to visit St. Vincent de Paul’s dining room in Mesa. It’s open daily for breakfast and lunch.
Our Faith: Mary, Mother of God: Her role in our salvation
Although Mary is honored with countless titles, none is grander than, “Mary, Mother of God.” The Catholic Church views the Blessed Mother with such reverence that the octave of Christmas, Jan. 1, is a holy day of obligation. The feast day reminds us of the role she had in the plan of salvation, which began with her simple answer of, “yes,” to God.
‘Radio en Familia’ offers broadcast to Spanish-speaking Catholics
Spanish-speaking Catholics in the Phoenix area now have a radio station all their own at 740 AM.
Missionary priest enlivens eucharistic adoration at parishes
A two-day mission at St. Joan of Arc Parish that focused on perpetual adoration served to ignite a renewed desire to spend time with...
Introducing the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit — the Church’s newest religious community
Seven men — five priests and two brothers — stood before the altar. In the culmination of a spiritual journey that took them a little more than a year, one by one they received their new habits and religious names from Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted. Now, as brothers, they are the founding members of the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit.
Bishop Olmsted issues apostolic exhortation on masculinity
Catholic men must reclaim and life the virtue of Christian of masculinity, says Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted in his apostolic exhortation, “Into the Breach.”
For Anglicans, being welcomed by Church at Easter ‘glorious’ experience
INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — The journey to full communion in the Catholic Church "has taken a few twists and turns," said a former Anglican priest who joined the church with his community during the Easter Vigil in Indianapolis.
GENOCIDE: Christians, religious minorities flee violent persecution in Iraq
As the heartrending images of Christians and Yezidis fleeing for their lives continue to pour in from Iraq, the Vatican called on Muslim leaders to condemn the “barbarity” and “unspeakable criminal acts” of Islamic State militants in Iraq.
Most Holy Trinity dedicates memorial site
The word “surprise” characterizes key parts of a new memorial site at Most Holy Trinity Parish, most especially the 4-year-old it honors.
SOLT Father Brady...
‘Desert nuns’ welcome new novice
Behind the grate to the left of the sanctuary, Jennifer Meissonnier knelt as her hair was cut, and she was given the veil and habit she would wear during her two-year Novitiate.