Priority on economy over people may lead to ‘viral genocide,’ pope warns

Some governments that have imposed lockdown measures "show the priority of their decisions: people first."

During pandemic, priests work to bridge distance between deceased, family

The ministers are also offering blessings and a dignified temporary place of rest before the departed's ultimate burial.

Accurate count enables local Church to carry out mission

Participation in the U.S. Census is not only constitutional, it’s biblical. St. Luke makes note of this when describing the birth of Jesus.

Pandemic casts spotlight on a nearly forgotten martyr: St. Corona

BONN, Germany (CNS) — She had become nearly forgotten. Little is known about the young woman who was killed for her Christian faith, presumably in the second century A.D. But now, a pandemic is shedding light on her: St. Corona.

COVID-19 is not God’s judgment, but a call to live differently, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The worldwide coronavirus pandemic is not God’s judgment on humanity, but God’s call on people to judge what is most important to them and resolve to act accordingly from now on, Pope Francis said.

Diocese’s first Bible conference takes participants deeper into God’s Word

Employees forced to work at home. Restaurants and stores by the hundreds closed. Classrooms emptied of the familiar sights and sounds of children learning. The coronavirus pandemic has offered the world unprecedented challenges to daily living … and given Catholics an opportunity like none before to lean on God through His Word. That’s exactly what the Diocese of Phoenix’s first Biblical Studies Conference provided.

Stay home; we are all in this together

These are strange days. As Americans, we are used to our freedom, which allows us to do what we like, when we like it — even to our own detriment. No questions asked.

Presence of Eucharist, celebration of Mass restored at St. Joseph Hospital

For the first time in 10 years, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will be present in the tabernacle at the historic St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center.

Ethicists, lawyers see dangers in rationing of scarce health resources

BALTIMORE (CNS) — Catholic ethicists and legal experts are sounding the alarm that the scarcity of resources such as ventilators and hospital beds during the current coronavirus pandemic could prompt health care decisions based only on age and disability — and in some cases already is.

What is a plenary indulgence?

Note: it's not a quick ticket to heaven, but an aid for real conversion that leads to eternal happiness.