Louisiana bishop celebrates special Way of Cross to ‘heal this wound’ of abuse

Each of the 14 stations included a special prayer intention for sexual abuse victims. "Two together are strong but one alone will despair," the bishop said.

Volunteer crew prepares oils to be blessed at chrism Mass in Indianapolis

Their love for the sacramental life of the church and sharing of their time builds up the body of Christ, one priest said.

Marine vet counts on prayer, faith to reunite with deported husband

"I just have to keep telling myself that everything is just part of his plan, and there's a reason why," Elizabeth Perez said.

Embrace the cross, trust God will triumph, pope says on Palm Sunday

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Acclaimed by the crowds and knowing He was the Messiah they sought, Jesus still chose the path of humility and...

Church takes ‘sense’able approach for Holy Week Masses

Whether it's seeing the masses wearing red and holding palm branches outside of church, smelling incense and holy oil or hearing the realistic sounds of Christ being crucified, Holy Week offers plenty for the senses to absorb.

Fr. Matt Feit: (1923-2019)

Fr. Matthias (Matt) Feit, founding pastor of St. James the Greater Parish in Glendale, and retired pastor of two other parishes, died March 31. He was 95.

Retired pope publishes reflection on abuse crisis

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Retired Pope Benedict XVI, acknowledging his role in helping the Catholic Church come to terms with the clerical sexual abuse crisis beginning in the 1980s, wrote an article outlining his thoughts about what must be done now.

Fr. Frank Fernandez: (1938-2019)

He was known for starting perpetual adoration at St. Joseph Parish where he served for 13 years and known as something of a St. Francis.

Dcn. Bill DeMarco: (1943-2019)

His 12 years of diaconal ministry spanned a pair of large parishes and a pair of Native American missions where he offered marriage preparation alongside his wife.

Argentine martyrs’ road to beatification recalls period of military rule

LA RIOJA, Argentina (CNS) — Bishop Enrique Angelelli Carletti traveled to a rural corner of his diocese in July 1973 to celebrate the feast of San Antonio. He was run out of town instead.