Now is time to build new world without inequality, injustice, says pope on Divine...

ROME (CNS) — As the world slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a risk it will be struck by an even worse virus — that of selfish indifference, Pope Francis said.

Italian bishop allows doctors to give Communion to coronavirus patients

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Looking for a way to provide both spiritual and physical care on Easter, a group of Italian doctors received their bishop’s permission to distribute Communion to those infected by the coronavirus.

Oklahoma City remains ‘beacon of healing’ 25 years after bombing, says archbishop

OKLAHOMA CITY (CNS) — The nation will never forget “the 168 innocent lives taken, including 19 children,” in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City April 19, 1995, said Archbishop Paul S. Coakley.

Pope thanks pharmacists for helping people during pandemic VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis said he was called out for forgetting to thank a group of people who also are on the...

CDA helps create holy marriages

Matt and Kerri Meehan had known each other for years before they were married in a civil ceremony in 2010. So, they were in for a bit of a surprise when they decided to have their marriage blessed by the Church.

Dominican brothers use ultramodern means to teach order’s ancient music

FRIBOURG, Switzerland (CNS) — Dominican Brothers Stefan Ansinger and Alexandre Frezzato are teaching people to sing 800-year-old Gregorian chant through free weekly lessons on their YouTube channel called OPChant.

Priests’ podcast dream becomes reality during COVID-19 distancing

FLAGSTAFF (CNS) — Two priests were toying with the idea of doing a podcast for more than a year. Then came the coronavirus, a pandemic, school and church closings, and all of a sudden, their dream became a reality, real fast.

Archbishop Sheen’s niece recalls happy times with her uncle in new book

WASHINGTON (CNS) — As a child, Joan Sheen Cunningham got to travel with her parents from their Illinois home to visit her uncle, first in Washington, then later in New York City.

Pope composes prayers for end of pandemic to be recited after Rosary

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis asked Catholics to make a special effort in May to pray the Rosary, knowing that by doing so they will be united with believers around the world asking for Mary’s intercession in stopping the coronavirus pandemic.

Singing Miami priests share ray of musical sunshine for Easter season MIAMI (CNS) — The coronavirus pandemic has certainly revealed the various talents of Miami archdiocesan priests. Among them: Fr. Jose Alvarez and Fr. Alex...