Iraqis hope attacks by U.S., Iran will ease and tensions will decrease

The Chaldean archbishop, like those of other religious affiliations, wants foreign troops to stop using their shattered homeland as a battlefield to settle scores.

For religious, God’s love is worth more than any earthly good, pope says

For perseverance and joy in religious life, be aware of the presence of God's grace, the pope told the religious. "The tempter, the devil, focuses on our 'poverty,' our empty hands," the things one did not achieve, the lack of recognition and the struggles one has had.

Bishops listen to grim landscape of policy on the immigration front

The reduction in the number of refugees allowed into the U.S. had led to the closing of 18 Catholic Charities programs around the country.

Pope: Migrants seeking new life end up instead in ‘hell’ of detention

Jesus warned everyone, "whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me," and Christians today must look at their actions every day and see if they have even tried to see Christ in others, the pope said in his homily during Mass July 8.

Shut off cellphone, open Bible for Lent, pope tells faithful

It's a time to remove distractions and bitterness in order to better hear God and those in need, the pope said.

Author hopes families find his retelling of Christmas story ‘uplifting’

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Last Christmas while watching “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with his son, Thomas Williams said it “suddenly hit” him that “nearly all the clever poetry surrounding Christmas has virtually nothing to do with Jesus Christ.”

Show others God’s mercy, don’t judge them, pope says

ALBANO, Italy (CNS) — Christians are not licensed “inspectors of other people’s lives,” but rather disciples who reach out to others, assuring them of God’s love and welcoming them into the community, Pope Francis said.

Pope, Christian leaders around the globe join in prayer for pandemic’s end

We turn to the Lord several times a day, "but at this moment we want to implore mercy for all of humanity so harshly tried by the coronavirus pandemic."

Helping others is the true goal, pope tells soccer league

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Like those who play soccer, people must learn to work together, help one another and race toward a clear goal, Pope Francis said.

Pope: Money from human trafficking stained with blood

The pope prayed "that the cries of our migrant brothers and sisters, victims of criminal human smuggling and human trafficking, may be heard and considered."