Church suffers temptation to go backward, pope tells Jesuits in Slovakia

The Catholic Church suffers from a temptation to attempt to return to attitudes and practices of the past, an attitude that blocks pastoral outreach to many of those who are marginalized, Pope Francis told Jesuits in Slovakia.

Pope: Christ’s cross an invitation to set aside divisive agendas

Jesus' death on the cross calls Christians to focus on helping the vulnerable rather than defending contentious agendas, Pope Francis said.

Armenian Catholic bishops try again to elect patriarch

A dozen bishops of the Armenian Catholic Church prayed for the assistance of the Holy Spirit as they met in Rome to begin their second attempt at electing a patriarch for their church.

Identification of painting as 17th-century masterwork brings joy to parish

A parish in a neighborhood that once had the highest concentration of COVID-19 cases in the country has found new joy in the discovery that a familiar painting over the transept doorway of its church is a 17th-century masterpiece.

Pope urges church leaders to recognize errors in dealing with clergy abuse

Pope Francis urged bishops from throughout Eastern Europe to recognize mistakes in their handling of sexual abuse in order to open "new horizons of love and reciprocal service."

Vatican to require vaccination proof or negative COVID-19 test

Visitors, tourists and employees who want to enter Vatican territory will be required beginning Oct. 1 to show proof of vaccination, recovery from the coronavirus or a negative COVID-19 test.

Justice Thomas in Notre Dame lecture discusses faith, modern views

In an address at the University of Notre Dame Sept. 16, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke about being personally grounded by his Catholic faith -- which he said he "ran away from" when he was young and "crawled back" to 25 years later.

Church needs to hear God speaking through those who are hurting, pope says

To listen to the Holy Spirit, members of the church must listen to each other and especially to those who are marginalized, Pope Francis said, explaining how dioceses are to help the church prepare for the Synod of Bishops.

Greatness is measured by service, pope says

In God's view, human greatness is measured by how one serves or helps someone who cannot offer anything in exchange, Pope Francis said.

CRS program works with Ugandan men as they take on new family roles

It is not unusual these days to find Raymond Okello, who lives in the Karamoja area of northeastern Uganda, washing dishes, tending the kitchen garden, or caring for the baby when home.