Archbishop: Iraq needs U.S. boots on ground to fight Islamic State 

A Chaldean Catholic archbishop called for the redeployment of U.S. and British troops in Iraq to prevent the "genocide" of Christians and other minorities by Islamic State militants.

Catholics called to do everything in their power to end trafficking

Highlighting the life, suffering and enduring hope of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave, Washington Auxiliary Bishop Martin D. Holley called for reflection and action to combat modern-day slavery during his homily on the first International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking Feb. 8.

Catholic, Orthodox leaders urge ‘unity against aggression’ in Ukraine

Catholic and Orthodox archbishops in Ukraine appealed for national unity against pro-Russia separatists as calls mounted for the United States to help arm Ukrainian forces.

House Speaker Boehner announces Pope Francis will address Congress

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced Feb. 5 that Pope Francis will address a joint meeting of Congress Sept. 24.

‘Late Nite Catechism’ classes resume at Scottsdale theater

Arizona’s favorite ruler-wielding nun, Sister, is back in the habit and awaiting students to take their seats in one of her three "classes."

Pope, in letter to Arizona teens, encourages them in work with migrants 

Saying their letters had touched his heart, Pope Francis wrote a personal response encouraging teens in southern Arizona in their work aiding migrants.

‘40 Days for Life’ welcomes co-founder Shawn Carney Feb. 16

What would it take to end abortion? One of the co-founders of 40 Days for Life will address that and more Feb. 16 at St. Mary’s Basilica.

Archbishop Romero’s beatification will be soon, archbishop says

Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero will be beatified in San Salvador "certainly within the year and not later, but possibly within a few months," said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the postulator or chief promoter of the archbishop's sainthood cause.

Pope: Families need fathers who guide, love them through thick and thin

Every family needs a father — a father who shares in his family's joy and pain, hands down wisdom to his children and offers them firm guidance and love, Pope Francis said.

Jordan’s Christian churches condemn pilot’s murder, offer prayers

Christian churches in Jordan condemned the Islamic State militants' killing of First Lt. Muath al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian pilot who had been held in captivity by the jihadist group.