Arizona bishops endorse Gov. Brewer’s Medicaid plan

The bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference have endorsed Gov. Jan Brewer’s Medicaid plan, joining a coalition of health advocates and business leaders who...

Catholics Matter: Artist uses gift to touch hearts, reach souls

A teacher spotted Mike Shanks’ extraordinary artistic ability when the St. Thomas the Apostle parishioner was in eighth grade. “What you have, it’s not normal,” the photography instructor told him.

Notre Dame breaks ground to expand saintly campus

A three-phase construction project calls for additional parking, a sports complex and a performing arts center.

Conclave to silence at least nine tweeting cardinals

Parrots may squawk in the Vatican Gardens during a conclave, but the cardinals are not allowed to tweet. For most of the 117 red-vested princes of the church who are eligible to vote for a new pope, Twitter isn't an issue at all. But the College of Cardinals does include at least nine active tweeters.

Papal secretary moving with pope, other announcements from Vatican

The current staff of the papal apartments, including Archbishop Georg Ganswein, will accompany Pope Benedict XVI to Castel Gandolfo when he leaves office Feb. 28, the Vatican spokesman said.

Precedent and sacrifice: Papal decision offers options for future

For a Catholic so aware of the importance of tradition, even traditions with a small "t," Pope Benedict XVI had to know he was setting a precedent by resigning.

On Ash Wednesday, pope preaches on humility, Christian unity

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Celebrating what was expected to be the last public liturgy of his pontificate two weeks before his resignation, Pope Benedict...

Pope Benedict thanks faithful, asks them to pray for next pope

At his first public appearance since he announced that he would resign at the end of February, Pope Benedict XVI thanked the faithful for their love and prayers and asked them to pray for his successor.

Ex-ambassador to Vatican lauds pope’s grace, courage, wisdom, humility

Pope Benedict XVI's decision to resign Feb. 28 "was taken with much grace, courage, wisdom and humility," said the most recent U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, Miguel Diaz.

Lent: Why we fast and offer acts of penance

The 40 days that stretch between Ash Wednesday and the onset of the Easter Triduum on Holy Thursday are set aside each year as a way for the faithful to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, almsgiving and acts of penance.