Half a century later, still answering Fatima questions

SOTTO IL MONTE GIOVANNI XXIII, Italy (CNS) -- The feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, is the occasion every year for millions...

Archbishop hopes June congress will help heal wounds of Irish church

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The wounds and divisions within the Catholic Church in Ireland make the upcoming International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin an important...

New Arizona law cuts off all state funds to abortion providers

Gov. Jan Brewer signed legislation May 4 that prevents the state of Arizona or any local government from using taxpayer dollars to contract with...

Iowa diocese’s decision on scholarship for gay student causes uproar

DAVENPORT, Iowa (CNS) -- A gay student at Prince of Peace Catholic School in Clinton has been chosen to receive a scholarship from an...

North Carolina voters approve amendment upholding traditional marriage

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (CNS) -- With a heavy turnout at the polls, North Carolina voters approved a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between...

About-face! Swiss Guard marches into social networking sites

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In an effort to boost recruitments through more modern methods of outreach, the Pontifical Swiss Guard has opened a page...

Battling the influence of evangelical sects in Latin America

The World Church of the Power of God opened an L-shaped, one-story, corrugated metal megachurch on the outskirts of Sao Paulo on New Year's...

Church should not accept members who deny Vatican II, official says

ROME (CNS) -- The Second Vatican Council's teaching, particularly on Judaism and other religions, is rooted in traditional Christian theology and the Bible, and...

US bishops reflect on their role in the new evangelization

ROME (CNS) -- Celebrating Mass in Pope Benedict XVI's cathedral, Rome's Basilica of St. John Lateran, a group of U.S. bishops prayed for the...

St. Joseph the Worker aids homeless job seekers

Being a job seeker is stressful enough without the added weight of being a home-seeker too. The challenging, but all-too-common duo makes up the bulk...