lent - search results

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From beach to basilica: ‘Sand Nativity’ brings unique style to Vatican

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — From the beach town of New Smyrna, Florida, just a stone’s throw away from Daytona Beach, Rich Varano never imagined his unique talent of sculpting sand would take him to the heart of Christianity.

Deepening abuse crisis highlights need for Mass of Healing and Reconciliation

The deepening crisis in the Church following revelations involving clerical sex abuse in Pennsylvania and allegations involving former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick points to an even greater need for reconciliation and healing now.

Dominican priest’s new book recounts interactions helping the dead

About 70 years ago, the famous mystic, St. Padre Pio, was praying alone in his friary. When he looked up from his prayer, he saw an old man standing in front of him.

St. Cecilia Circle brings music to dining masses

If drum circles do indeed refer to an informal gathering of musicians “jamming,” then the St. Cecilia Circle was aptly named. Far beyond the circle’s...

Meet Dcn. Jeffrey Strom

Newly ordained Dcn. Jeffrey Strom did not think of becoming a deacon until in recent years, when in the course of a month three different people suggested the role to him. This caught his attention and he started taking steps toward this ordained ministry and the Lord kept opening doors.

Saluda al Diácono Stephen Schmidt

Desde la predicación en el porche delantero hasta el púlpito, el Diácono Stephen Schmidt puede ver la mano de Dios en todo esto.

Thanksgiving Day provides a pause to reflect upon God’s bounty

The month of November stirs-up the heart as thoughts of a bountiful table set, and a turkey with all the trimmings prepared, attending Thanksgiving Day Mass at the parish and the glimpse of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or a football game all make for a well-planned day.

Honran a santos con vestuario en Feria de Vocaciones

Vestidos de diferentes santos, niños de distintas edades llegaron a través de la Diócesis de Phoenix a la Parroquia Santísima Trinidad para participar en la Feria de Vocaciones el 28 de octubre, cuya parte central fue la Misa bilingüe encabezada por el Obispo Thomas J. Olmsted.

Pope recognizes martyrdom of U.S. Christian Brother

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis has recognized the martyrdom of De La Salle Christian Brother James Miller, who was born in Wisconsin and was shot to death in Guatemala in 1982.

Holiness is for everyone

In the earliest centuries of the Christian faith, the rite of Baptism with its powerful gestures, words and symbolism had a strong emphasis on conversion, a radical reorientation of one’s whole life away from sin and toward God.