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Year-end tax credits help the needy

Silvia’s journey through parenthood has been a bumpy one to say the least. The single mother of four suffered a mental breakdown after a longtime relationship with the children’s father ended.

Arizona bishops lend voices to call for immigration reform

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares joined community leaders in a call for comprehensive immigration reform Nov. 21 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center.

Year of Faith: Pilgrimage calls Catholics to walk with Christ

Maria Renteria wasn’t using her cane as she shuffled out of customs at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Her family was waiting for her,...

Keeping status quo for undocumented called ‘stain on soul of nation’

Passing comprehensive immigration reform is "a matter of great moral urgency that cannot wait any longer for action," New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan told House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, in a Nov. 7 letter.

St. James Parish reaches out to help students in Uganda

Friends and supporters of E3 Africa, an organization that helps students in Uganda obtain an education, listened in rapt attention at a breakfast Oct. 1 as Fr. Robert Aliunzi, AJ, told of the struggles of being orphaned at age 6.

Happening now: Oct. 18-20

Need something to do this weekend? Here are some ideas for spiritual enrichment, family fun and food all supporting Catholic causes. Don't forget the documentary on Pope Francis airs Sunday.

Catholic Charities celebrates 80 years of serving those in need

Send them the homeless, jobless, the victims of domestic violence and drug addicts, refugees and foster children, those with mental and physical problems. All have been welcomed by Catholic Charities Community Services for the last 80 years.

Day 2: Year of Faith Pilgrimage: From Teotihuacan to Our Lady of Guadalupe

The second day of our Year of Faith pilgrimage put into focus the impact of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The day began at Teotihuacan, site of the ancient pyramids of the Sun and Moon.

Agencies stretching to meet needs of Syrians displaced by civil war

Governments and nongovernmental agencies are struggling to keep up with the needs and pressures created by the displacement of nearly a third of Syria's population because of the country's civil war.

Congolese nun wins U.N. prize for work with internally displaced women

Sister Angelique Namaika, a member of the Augustine Sisters of Dungu and Doruma, has been working for the past four years with women forced to leave their homes in the northeastern Congolese bush because of the ongoing civil strife in the Congo.