‘Fleece’ Navidad and Advent

Our friends at Catholics Come Home graciously shared this video with us.

Catholic contests calling artistic minds

Deadlines are looming for a few contests sponsored by Catholic apostolates.

Where to find #PopeInUS

The Holy Father lands on U.S. soil Sept. 22. Check out where he will be and when and key into how to follow his apostolic journey virtually.

University students make impact in classroom, community

Whether they're just finishing the first week of the spring semester or enjoying the last days of semester break, many college and university students are making them count.

FOX 10 showcases St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas students and their pastor briefly appeared on the morning news March 23 to share about their campus and their ultimate neighbors, the forthcoming Saint John Paul II High School.

Tel Aviv and Jaffa blend ancient and modern world

The first of a series of blogposts from Joyce Coronel as she reports from Israel.

Spend your weekends with us!

It's getting to be that time of year again... that 12-14-week period in the fall when special events and routine ministry outreach abound across...

Back to school

Take a look at our compiled coverage of back-to-school preparations and first days via our Storify account.

#RedCup reminders of mercy

A recent local homily tied in #RedCup discussion on social media — the removal of secular Christmas imagery from this year's holiday cup design at Starbucks — to our call to use words and actions of mercy, mutual love and reconciliation.

Reflecting on burying the dead

When we visit a cemetery, there's often substantially more buried there who we don't know than who we do know leaving ample room for reflection on their role in God's divine plan.