Photo fun for Xavier teen merits ‘finalist’ status nationwide

She enrolled in a beginning photography class in January. A spontaneous photo taken about a month into it is now a finalist in a nationwide photo contest.

Profiles in Mission: Arthur Walker, Jr.

With the far West Valley being the fastest growing section of the state, we will be able to evangelize a whole new group of parents and students that would not be able to attend Catholic schools due to the commute.

Former presidential candidate John McCain, who represented Arizona for 35 years, dies at 81

U.S. Senator John McCain from Arizona passed away earlier today, Aug. 25. The former 2008 Republican presidential nominee represented Arizona in the U.S. Senate since 1987.

St. Mary’s High School nurtures rich seedbed of religious vocations

If a seed grows in fertile soil, then St. Mary’s Catholic School has rich earth and is reaping a great religious harvest.

Two Phoenix parishes mourn loss of Ugandan, yet ‘Irish’ priest

His priesthood began in Uganda, twice took him to Rome — including meeting Pope Francis — and finished strong in the Diocese of Phoenix.

Sr. Christine Gilsenan, IBVM, brought music, art to decades of ‘Irish’ children

The Ss. Simon and Jude School community lost a wee bit of its authentic Irish heritage this summer.

Plucky priests prevail in persistent pace to part with prize … again

The Fourth Annual John Paul II Classic pitted the Church Fathers — priests of the Phoenix Diocese — against the more youthful Phoenix Sons — seminarians decked out in orange jerseys.

Schools resume their mission to graduate scholars heaven-bound

Families who choose to send their child to a Catholic school have extra partners in their quest to save their child’s soul for eternal life.

Sr. Mary Ruth Dittman, SDS (1924-2018): Comforted struggling newborns, their parents, among others

Sr. Mary Ruth Dittman, SDS, spent her retirement years in the Diocese of Phoenix, but couldn’t resist the call to continue sharing her NCIU nursing skills.

Phoenix bishops call for days of prayer, fasting in response to abuse

In the aftermath of revelations surrounding Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick and the newly released grand jury report on six Pennsylvania dioceses, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares called for a day of fasting and prayer Aug. 22, the feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Aug. 22, the feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.