Trust Christ’s presence, learn to invoke the Holy Spirit, pope says

In times of trouble, Christians must be like the disciples in the boat on the stormy sea, calling out to Jesus and waking him up, Pope Francis said.

Knights’ state deputies urged to follow Blessed McGivney as ‘man of action’

Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly reminded Knights of Columbus state deputies in a Nov. 5 address that the fraternal order's founder, Blessed Michael McGivney, was "a man of action."

Lord leads sisters ‘every step of the way,’ says co-founder of community

Mother Mary Clare Roufs formed the idea for the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus after receiving what she called "the founding grace" in December 2006.

Requiem Mass recalls homeless San Franciscans who died on the streets

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone brought together San Francisco's faith, civic and social service communities at St. Mary's Cathedral for a special Mass he commissioned to pray for the souls of homeless people who died on the city's streets.

Treasuring the widow’s mite: Vatican finance reform is long, slow process

The day after Catholics around the world heard the Gospel story of the widow's mite, Vatican media published a long interview with the bishop who heads the Vatican's investment office.

Pope sets date for canonization of Blessed de Foucauld, others

Blessed Charles de Foucauld and six other candidates for sainthood finally will be canonized May 15, 2022, the Vatican announced Nov. 9.

Catholic university allows student group’s Planned Parenthood fundraiser

Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez said Nov. 5 he was "deeply disappointed" by Loyola Marymount University's decision to allow a student group's fundraiser for Planned Parenthood to go forward later the same day despite thousands of protests against the event.

Grandmother pounds pavement to save the unborn through outreach ministry

Mary Claire Dant is no stranger to handling challenging situations that come up along the sidewalk that she pounds every week to rescue lives.

Pope’s World Day of the Poor includes listening, helping

Pope Francis plans to prepare for his celebration of the World Day of the Poor by meeting with and listening to some 500 poor people making a pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy, Nov. 12.

Pope thanks Retrouvaille for support of couples in crisis

A period of crisis in a marriage is frightening and painful, but it also can be an opportunity for growth, especially if the couple receives the support of others who have survived similar crises, Pope Francis said.