Pope to young people at WYD: God calls your authentic, not virtual, self

LISBON, Portugal (CNS) -- Before a sea of waving flags representing countries large and small from across the globe, Pope Francis told some 500,000 singing, shouting and swaying young people that God has called each person to him by name, not their social media handle.

UPDATE: Don’t be afraid to change the world, pope tells youths at WYD closing...

LISBON, Portugal (CNS) -- To end "Catholic Woodstock" -- as World Youth Day has been called by the Portuguese press -- Pope Francis told 1.5 million weary-eyed and sleep-deprived young people in Lisbon not to let their "great dreams" of changing the world be "stopped by fear."

Pope offers prayers for victims of Hawaiian fires

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- As fires continued to burn on the Hawaiian island of Maui and as the death toll continued to rise, Pope Francis offered his prayers and his encouragement to firefighters and rescue workers.

Jesus does not abandon individuals or the church, pope says at Angelus

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Having faith does not mean there will be no difficulties in life, either for individuals or for the church as a whole, Pope Francis said, but it does mean knowing that Jesus is there to give courage and to defeat evil.

Christians called to heal ‘epidemic of enmity,’ papal message says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In a world suffering from an "epidemic of enmity," Christians can offer healing by recognizing each person as a child of God and reaching out in friendship, said a top Vatican official, writing on behalf of Pope Francis.

‘Rigidity is bad, but firmness is good,’ pope says at Angelus

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Christians must stand firm in their faith but that is not the same as being rigid and unwilling to bend out of compassion for another, Pope Francis said. God is love and "the one who loves does not remain rigid. Yes, they stand firm, but not rigid; they do not remain rigid in their own positions, but allow themselves to be moved and touched," the pope said Aug. 20 before reciting the midday Angelus prayer with an estimated 10,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square.

NEWS BRIEF: Bishop Dolan returns from historic 12-day USCCB trip to Africa

Bishop John Dolan returned Tuesday from his 12-day trip to Africa as a member of the USCCB subcommittee on the “Church in Africa.” Bishop Dolan made visits to Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya to review programs supported by the USCCB, his first-ever trip to Africa.  He was joined by Fritz Zuger, a consultant to the subcommittee, on their three nations visit in Africa.

Synod is ‘truly important’ for the church, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis asked a group of Italian journalists to shun fake news and a love of scandal, including when covering the Catholic Church and the upcoming assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

Adoration awakens love for the poor, commitment to justice, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- In the eyes of the world it would appear "absurd" to begin helping the poor and struggling for justice by spending time in adoration before the Eucharist, Pope Francis said, but that is precisely what an Italy-based religious order has been doing for 100 years.

Jesus is the answer to human longing, pope says at Mass in Mongolia

ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia (CNS) -- Like the land struck by a "zud," the human heart has a thirst and longing that can be alleviated only by the God of love, Pope Francis told Mongolians gathered for Mass in Ulaanbaatar's Steppe Arena. Countless generations of Mongolians have feared the "zud," an extreme weather event of drought or impenetrable ice, that decimates herds and flocks.