Lent comes ‘to reawaken us,’ pope says at Ash Wednesday Mass

ROME (CNS) — Lent is meant to wake up Christians and help them see that God can give them the strength to change their...

Use Lent to shed apathy to sin, poverty, indifference to God, pope says

Lent is a time to shed lazy, un-Christian habits and snap out of one's apathy toward people harmed by violence, poverty and not having God in their lives, Pope Francis said. Lent is time to "change course, to recover the ability to respond to the reality of evil that always challenges us."

Virginia Catholic captures spirituality of Pope Francis in manga comic

A new comic book hero is fighting for truth, justice and the Christian way.

Pope asks prayers for Ukraine; archbishop says country in danger

As uncertainty reigned in Ukraine and Russian troops appeared to have control of the Crimean peninsula, Pope Francis again asked the world's Christians to pray for Ukraine and urged the parties involved in the conflict to engage in dialogue.

Priest’s ministry helps kids overcome trauma of living on the streets

A group of young boys scurried about their cottage completing household chores, all part of the normal daily routine at the House and Treasure of St. Martin de Porres.

Ukrainian churches urge peace as war clouds gather over Crimea

Church leaders in Ukraine appealed for peace in their country's Crimea peninsula as its government accused Russia of "carrying out an armed invasion."

Priest’s ministry helps kids overcome trauma of living on the streets

A group of young boys scurried about their cottage completing household chores, all part of the normal daily routine at the House and Treasure of St. Martin de Porres.

Lessons in style: Pope’s gestures, choices are teaching moments

From the moment Pope Francis, dressed simply in a white cassock, stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica for the first time and bowed, he signaled his pontificate would bring some style differences to the papacy.

Catholics, evangelicals team up in pressing for immigration reform

In a joint letter to members of Congress, Catholic bishops and evangelical leaders pleaded for "common sense fixes to our immigration policies" by passing legislation this year.

High rate of Bible illiteracy among general population ‘no surprise’

In a recent class at Wheaton College, English professor Leland Ryken asked his students what John Milton was referring to when he mentioned "the broad way" in one of his sonnets. Not one student in the class of 35 at the Rev. Billy Graham's alma mater acknowledged it as a reference to the broad path of destruction in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.