Saying ‘yes’ to God’s love makes saying ‘no’ to sin easier, pope says

The Christian faith is about saying "yes" to God's love and forgiveness in a way that saying "no" to sin will come naturally, Pope Francis said at his early morning Mass.

Vatican official says curia reform needs time, dismisses bank rumors

Amid widespread speculation about a complete and quick reorganization of Vatican departments and rumors in the Italian media that Pope Francis was going to close the Vatican bank, a top Vatican official told everyone to calm down.

Retired Pope Benedict set to return to Vatican May 2

Retired Pope Benedict XVI is scheduled to move into a remodeled convent at the Vatican May 2, the Vatican spokesman said.

Four wounded in church stabbing in Albuquerque; suspect held

A suspect was being held on $75,000 bond after being arrested following the stabbing of four worshippers at an Albuquerque parish near the end of Mass April 28.

Magazine meant to ‘lift women up’ set for May debut

Love them or loathe them, many women have at some point flipped through the fashion and celebrity magazines that accost grocery shoppers at checkout lines.

Pope: Confession is not like dry cleaners, but is encounter with Jesus

Going to confession isn't like heading off to be tortured or punished, nor is it like going to the dry cleaners to get out a stain, Pope Francis said in a morning Mass homily.

Corruption is worse than sin because heart hardens to God, pope says

Corruption is worse than any sin because it hardens the heart against feeling shame or guilt and hearing God's call for conversion, Pope Francis said.

A new constitutional amendment? Even if it fails, it may work

The process to amend the U.S. Constitution can be a long and winding road that may have no end. Just ask those who have been working for the Human Life Amendment since shortly after abortion was legalized in 1973.

‘Being prepared for heaven means starting to see it from afar,’ pope says

The Christian life is about allowing Jesus and the Holy Spirit to prepare each person to truly see and enjoy the beauty of eternal life, Pope Francis said in a morning Mass homily.

Original research team member says science still can’t explain Shroud

Even with modern scientific technology, the Shroud of Turin continues to baffle researchers. Barrie Schwortz was the documenting photographer for the Shroud of Turin research project in 1978, an in-depth examination of what many people believe to be the burial cloth of Jesus.