Take a hike, change a life March 4

The reasons people hike are almost as numerous as the St. Joseph the Worker clients who benefit from their registration fee.

Movement Day Arizona [VIDEO]

As the video says, "it's all about unifying God's church to make a difference." Kind of like the annual "Make a Difference Day" of service, but in a more sustainable, faith-filled way.

Longing for Communion can be exercise in spiritual growth, says retired papal spokesman

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Being unable to receive the Eucharist is a form of sacrifice, but it can also be a time for spiritual growth, said...

Faith is about worshipping God, not oneself, pope says on Epiphany

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Worshipping the Lord as the Three Kings did involves making a journey “from the greatest form of bondage: slavery to oneself,” Pope Francis said on the feast of the Epiphany.

Diocese’s CDA puts ‘faith in action’

“Together, we can do more than any one parish or person can do," the Charity & Development Appeal website says. CDA supports the faith family in churches, schools, apostolates and social service outreaches.

Infertility can lead to sadness, broken marriages, Nigerian bishop says

In a childless marriage, some men "become careless with their married life," which can lead to polygamy, adultery or "other abuses in married life," and women become traumatized, he said.

Chaplains must assist military traumatized by war, pope says

The healing balm of the sacraments can help military chaplains tend to the wounds of armed forces who endure physical and emotional scars from conflicts raging around the world, Pope Francis said.

Pope issues new norms on mandatory abuse reporting, bishop accountability

https://youtu.be/ddcpfrf3NTM VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis has revised and clarified norms and procedures for holding bishops and religious superiors accountable in protecting minors as...

‘No end in sight to the horror’: Australian bishops respond to fires

"We have all seen the apocalyptic images, even if we are not in the areas most affected," the archbishop said.

Poverty solutions almost absent as a presidential campaign issue

Poverty affects 46.7 million Americans and while it's not on the lips of the candidates, it some of their proposals are directed toward improving economic opportunity for the working classes and perhaps helping poor people as well.