University of Mary celebrates Arizona’s first graduating class

Seventeen faculty and staff serving at 11 local Catholic elementary and high schools became the first graduating class from the University of Mary's Tempe campus. Bishops and priests from both dioceses gathered for a Baccalaureate Mass and celebration.

Got Baby? ‘Tot Tank’ inspires drivers

You might have seen him on the road. Fr. Don Kline, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish, recently had his car wrapped in a colorful display of baby pictures. The vehicle, dubbed the “Tot Tank,” also advertises, a website he and his brother created.

Pope urges Vatican employees to meditate on God’s patience

Continuing to invite Vatican employees to morning Mass, Pope Francis told the head of the Vatican health service and members of the photography staff of the Vatican newspaper to keep in mind throughout Holy Week just how patient God is.

Pope Francis meets retired Pope Benedict, says ‘we’re brothers’

With a warm embrace, a helping hand, shared prayer, a long discussion and lunch together, Pope Francis spent several hours with retired Pope Benedict XVI March 23 at the papal summer villa.

North Dakota lawmakers OK bill defining life starts at conception

A personhood bill that defines life as starting at conception passed the North Dakota House March 22 in a 57-35 vote. The state Senate in February approved the measure to outlaw abortion in the state. The House's action now sends it to the desk of Gov. Jack Dalrymple for his signature. The Associated Press said he has not indicated whether he will sign it.

Women’s Conference speakers show importance of walking in faith

More than 600 Catholic women from across the diocese drove, carpooled or chartered a bus to get to the daylong diocesan Women's Conference March 16 at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish.

Colorado governor signs bill to legalize same-sex civil unions

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper March 21 signed into law a civil unions bill for same-sex couples that Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila said "harms families, civil liberties and the natural rights of all Colorado's children."

Archbishop: U.S. risks losing soul by ignoring immigrants’ humanity

The archbishop of Los Angeles called upon the United States to remember the humanity of men, women and children in the country illegally or risk losing its soul.

USCCB: New proposed rules on mandate still violate religious freedom

New proposed regulations governing the contraceptive mandate under the Affordable Care Act continue to violate basic principles of religious freedom, said the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Nobel laureate: Pope preferred silent diplomacy during ‘dirty war’

Pope Francis preferred carrying out "a silent diplomacy" in helping victims versus leading a more public outcry during Argentina's "dirty war," said an Argentine Nobel Peace Prize laureate.