Bishop blesses site for future growth at Holy Cross Cemetery
AVONDALE — Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares blessed five largely undeveloped acres Aug. 1 at Holy Cross Cemetery, 10045 W. Thomas Road. Plans are underway...
EWTN invites families to Phoenix celebration
The Eternal Word Television Network’s hosts and leaders are headed to Phoenix Sept. 8-9 to meet and pray with local Catholics.
The free family celebration...
LCWR board comments on meeting with Archbishop Sartain
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ST. LOUIS (CNS) -- Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle "listened carefully" to the concerns and feelings of board members of the...
Pope prays for disaster victims in Philippines, China, Iran
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI asked Catholics around the world to pray and offer material assistance to flood victims in the...
Judge rules Hawaii laws against same-sex marriage not unconstitutional
HONOLULU (CNS) -- U.S. District Court Judge Alan Kay in an Aug. 8 ruling said Hawaii's laws banning same-sex marriage "are not unconstitutional" and...
Catholics Matter: 1st Way director Kay Allen headed for Belize
Just three weeks shy of leaving the country and taking on a new mission in Belize, Kay Allen, director of 1st Way Pregnancy Center, was all fired-up about the clinic’s focus on reaching out to pregnant women. A client she’d hoped would choose life ended her pregnancy instead, giving into fears that she would lose her athletic scholarship.
Tortured lives: Arizona executes fifth death row inmate this year
FLORENCE, Ariz. — Kevin Swaney’s family had waited for this day for nearly 25 years. One of the men who brutally killed their son and brother would be put to death — so long as he wasn’t given clemency.
Romney’s running mate comes from longtime Wisconsin Catholic family
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- U.S. Rep. Paul Murray Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced Aug. 11 as his running mate for the White...
25 years later: Local Church to mark John Paul II’s visit
The public is invited to a noontime Mass and light reception celebrating the 25th anniversary of Blessed Pope John Paul II’s 1987 visit to...
Catholic preschools embrace early childhood learning, cater to working families
Local Catholic childcare facilities and preschools spent the summer ensuring the diocese’s youngest learners are ready for preschool and kindergarten this month.
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