A summer stroll in the papal gardens [VIDEO]


St. Gregory parish celebrates diaconate life

Parishioners celebrated the life of deacons by thanking one for 25 years of faithful service, welcoming another to his new assignment and introducing a third who was ordained a week prior.

Bishop Olmsted reflects on the importance of Día de los Muertos [VIDEO]

Bishop Olmsted, interviewed recently by Mixed Voces, explains the importance of the Día de los Muertos celebration.

Why do children need a mother and father? [VIDEO]

Pope Francis and participants at a recent Vatican conference on traditional marriage explain why children have a right to a mother and a father.

American Catholics on family synod [VIDEO]

Parishioners at Rome’s Church of Santa Susanna discuss their hopes for the synod on the family.

Catholics Matter 126: Foundation for Senior Living

https://youtu.be/Hoew2F0-aBI Foundation for Senior Living director Guy Mikkelson joins Fr. Rob Clements to talk about FSL, the work they do in the community, and how...

‘Humanum’: On the Meaning of Marriage [VIDEO]

Take an in-depth look at the beauty of marriage from "Humanum," a three-day colloquium on the complementarity of man and woman organized by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Pope: Correct error with love [VIDEO]

Pope Francis explained the concept of fraternal correction before praying the Angelus in St. Peter's Square Sept. 7.

Moses Choir shares African roots at St. Gregory Parish [VIDEO]

The Moses Choir shares the church's African music with parishioners every other month at St. Gregory Parish in Phoenix.

Advent: Serving, giving in love

Catholics tithe and give of themselves year-round at the parish and community levels with sometimes renewed fervor during Thanksgiving and Advent.