The synod’s family mission [VIDEO]

The Synod of Bishops on the Family continues through Oct. 24. Two U.S. archbishops discuss its the goals.

Into the Breach Official Trailer [VIDEO]

Men, do not hesitate to engage in the battle that is raging around you.

Pope delights Philly crowd with spontaneous talk on families [VIDEO]

PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — Pope Francis threw away a prepared text and, to the delight of tens of thousands of people on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, spoke from the heart about the challenges and love that come with being part of a family.

Pope to Congress: Stop bickering, world needs your help [VIDEO]

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The past, the promise and the potential of the United States must not be smothered by bickering and even hatred at a time when the U.S. people and indeed the world need a helping hand, Pope Francis told the U.S. Congress.

Pope Francis on the divorced and civilly remarried [VIDEO]

Pope Francis urged Catholics to view those in a situation of divorce and civil remarriage through the eyes of the children of those couples Aug. 5.

Junipero Serra: The controversial saint [VIDEO]

Blessed Junipero Serra brought Gospel to sacred Upper California forest and stirred up some controversy over treatment of native people.

Day 1: What is Religious Freedom? [VIDEO]

The first in a series of daily reflections from the Diocese of Phoenix marking the Fortnight for Freedom — a time when the Catholic Church's liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power.

Franciscan explains ‘Laudato Si’ [VIDEO]

The head of the Franciscan order explains the title of Pope Francis' upcoming encyclical on ecology.

Climate encyclical expected to send strong moral message to the world

Pope Francis' upcoming encyclical on ecology and climate is expected to send a strong moral message -- one message that could make some readers uncomfortable, some observers say.

Nuns dominate Indian mission school [VIDEO]

Nuns may be a minority in most U.S. Catholic schools these days, but a relatively large number of them serve at the St. Peter Indian Mission School in Bapchule.