Knights of faith and poverty [VIDEO]

The opening of the beatification cause of Fra Andrew Bertie highlights the two charisms of the Knights of Malta.

CRS Rice Bowl: Ugali with bean soup [VIDEO]

Straight from Tanzinia, watch how ugali and bean soup is made. It's one way to enjoy a meatless meal on this second Friday of Lent and eat in solidarity with more than 1.25 million people in East Africa's largest nation.

Paz de Cristo featured on Mesa TV [VIDEO]

Paz de Cristo was in the community spotlight on "Mesa Morning Live" Feb. 13. Its executive director highlighted ways the nonprofit supports guests without homes or struggling to make ends meet.

A changing college of cardinals? [VIDEO]

New cardinals discuss the consistory and how Pope Francis is changing the church.

Pope Francis surprises shantytown residents [VIDEO]

Pope Francis made a surprise stop at a shantytown on his way to visit a Rome parish Feb. 8.

Parody video eases traffic woes around parish, school construction zone [VIDEO]

Traffic woes are inevitable in construction zones. Any Catholic who has been through a parish's or school's construction project can relate.

Catholic Schools Week Rally highlights [VIDEO]

Catholic school students from the three dioceses that serve Arizona gathered for a picnic and rally Jan. 28 that featured cheers, student testimonies, brief bishop addresses and a short speech from Governor Doug Ducey.

Pope clarifies position on free speech [VIDEO]

Pope Francis continued his reflections on the limits of the freedom of expression during his in-flight press conference from Manila to Rome Jan. 19.

Pope: Big families bring hope [VIDEO]

Pope Francis reflected on his trip to Asia during his weekly general audience Jan. 21.

Pope surprises former street kids [VIDEO]

Pope Francis answered the prayers of residents of a shelter for homeless children in the Philippines when he made an unscheduled stop to see them.