New compilations bring together diverse writings of learned Brits
‘The Reading Life: The Joy of Seeing New Worlds Through Others’ Eyes’
Author: C.S. LewisPublisher: HarperOneRelease Date: Oct. 15, 2019Length: 171 pp.Cost: $19.99
New York Cardinal’s reflections provide much food for spiritual thought
Anyone who has ever heard Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan — in personal conversation, interviewed on TV, giving a homily or addressing a conference — knows the archbishop of New York is not at a loss for words.
Movies: ‘I Am Patrick’
NEW YORK (CNS) — The reasons the Church continues to honor the Apostle of Ireland more than 1,500 years after his death shine forth in the film “I Am Patrick” (CBN), a docudrama screening in theaters for two nights only, March 17 — St. Patrick’s Day — and March 18.
Ash Wednesday: Repentance as response to redemption
Repentance has to be in response to Jesus' death on the cross. The word “redemption” comes, literally, from the term to buy back, which God-as-man did on the cross.
Fasting to be the person God is calling
The Christian life and its spiritual practices are undertaken not for one’s own sake alone. They extend outward and lead toward others, whose lives may be complicated, painful.
Games: Kingdom Hearts 3 — Re Mind
NEW YORK (CNS) — The 2019 release of “Kingdom Hearts 3” wrapped up a video game odyssey that spanned nearly two decades. But fans still wanted more of the franchise’s elaborate lore and challenging fights.
A spectacular Lenten failure
Lent is an invitation to walk with Christ through the desert. You need only: docility, openness to the journey and abandonment of your own will.
Movies: Sonic the Hedgehog
NEW YORK (CNS) — Not that the intended core audience of children is likely to notice, but many of the adults who take them will find that there’s something oddly mechanical and even maladroit about “Sonic the Hedgehog” (Paramount).
Experienced couples can strengthen marriage amid the sinkholes
Having a divorce in the neighborhood is like having a sinkhole in your street. Everything that seemed stable suddenly isn’t.
Movies: Jojo Rabbit
NEW YORK (CNS) — As with many satires, the makers of “Jojo Rabbit” (Fox Searchlight) don’t care much whether an audience likes their film — or understands all of it.