Fall Cultural Diversity Mass

St. Mary's Basilica 231 N 3rd St, Phoenix

Join Bishop Nevares and the cultural communities of the Diocese of Phoenix in celebrating a Cultural Diversity Mass on Saturday, Oct. 28th at St. Mary's Basilica. We will begin with musical preludes of various communities at 4:00 p.m. The Holy Mass presided by Bishop Nevares begins at 5:00 p.m. A reception to celebrate with food, […]

First Saturday for Life! (Holy Mass, Brunch + Learn, Fellowship)

Our Lady of Lourdes 19002 N. 128th Ave, Sun City West, AZ, United States

Join Arizona Life Coalition and Our Lady of Lourdes Respect Life to kick off National Hospice and Palliative Care Month with our FIRST EVER 'First Saturday for Life' talk on Catholic Ethics in Healthcare! We will begin with Holy Mass, fellowship + a continental brunch (compliments of Our Lady of Lourdes parish), and a talk […]

St. Paul Parish: Eucharistic Procession for Christ the King

Event: St. Paul Catholic Parish: Following Saturday November 25th 5pm Vigil Mass, join us for Eucharistic Procession around Moon Valley Park. The solemn Eucharistic Procession will end in the Conference Center for Benediction and Adoration throughout the night until Sunday Christ the King Day at 11am.


Healing Mass with the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit

St. John the Baptsit Parish 5447 W Pecos Rd, Laveen

You're invited for a healing Mass with the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit! There will be opportunities for confession, praise and worship and a healing Eucharistic procession.

First Saturday for Life (Holy Mass, Brunch + Learn, Fellowship)

Holy Cross Parish 1244 S Power Rd., Mesa, AZ, United States

Join us for an Advent First Saturday for Life on First Way Pregnancy Center's education program, and forming a new generation of parents. Bring a 'pot-luck' item (or Christmas cookies!) to share. Don't miss this powerful morning for life! We will begin with holy Mass, fellowship, 'pot luck' brunch and a talk + Q&A by […]

Healing Mass

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 11300 N 64th St, Scottsdale, AZ, United States

Join us Saturday, December 16 at 11AM for our next Healing Mass. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick will be available. There will be prayer teams and blessing of caretaker's hands as well.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery 25th Anniversary Holy Mass and Luncheon

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, Phoenix, AZ 8502 W Pinchot Ave, Phoenix

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery today announced that they will be celebrating their 25th anniversary of inception in Phoenix, Arizona. A public celebration of the anniversary will be held on Sunday, December 17th at the 10:15 a.m. Holy Mass followed by a luncheon. Father Jude Verley, OSC from the Crosier Community will be our presider […]


Golden Jubilee Celebration – Mass of Thanksgiving for the presence of NFP in our Diocese

St. Simon and Jude Cathedral 6351 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix

Did you know that Natural Family Planning has been enriching this diocese's marriages for 50 years? Come celebrate with us, with a "Golden anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving" Bishop emeritus Thomas Olmsted, celebrant Sunday, March 3rd, at 11 AM Ss Simon & Jude Cathedral Please stay for a light reception after the mass. Meet new and […]


Healing Mass with the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit

St. John the Baptsit Parish 5447 W Pecos Rd, Laveen

Join the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit for their first healing Mass of the year! There also will be an opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence for those who pray before the Nativity scene in the church that will be displayed until the Feast of the Presentation on February 2nd (visit this article to […]

First Saturday for Life “Spiritual Warfare + the Culture of Life”

St. Bernard of Clairvaux 10755 N 124th St., Scottsdale, AZ, United States

Join Arizona Life Coalition and St. Bernard of Clairvaux Sanctity of Life Ministry for our first ever First Saturday for Life talk on spiritual warfare and the culture of life. Father Ryan Lee will give a special one-hour talk followed by a Q+A. The event will be preceded by Holy Mass in Spanish, dedicated to […]

40 Days for Life + Arizona March for Life “Opening Mass”

St. Mary's Basilica 231 N 3rd St, Phoenix

Join us for Holy Mass to kickoff the 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign and Arizona March for Life! Celebrant: Bishop Emeritus Thomas J. Olmsted Homalist: Fr. Nathanial Glenn Keynote Speaker: Fr. Daniel Cruz Don't miss this wonderful evening for Life! Wednesday, February 7, 2024 6:30PM St. Mary's Basilica, Phoenix Hosted by 40 Days for […]