Emergency Santa Toy Drive-Thru!

Catholic Charities Care Campus 466 South Bellview, Mesa

Let’s join our hearts and time in helping vulnerable parents receive gifts for their children to have on Christmas Day in a Drive-Thru fashion! Catholic Charities Care Campus has an […]


Book Signing: Rosie Posie Twinkle Toes

Crowning Glory Tea Room 16733 E Palisades Blvd, Fountain Hills

Meet debut author/illustrator Elizabeth Sobczyk, creator of Caritas Press’ latest children’s book about a lively little dancer who spreads unbridled joy wherever she goes, lifting everyone she meets from their […]


Book Signing on the Tea Room Patio

Crowning Glory Tea Room 16733 E Palisades Blvd, Fountain Hills

Meet children's book authors Elizabeth Sobczyk, Maggie Jetty, and Sherry Boas, and build your library of wonderful Catholic children's books. For the adults on your Christmas gift list, Joe Arpaio […]


Iggy Talks: The First Catholics in Phoenix

Virtual Event

Join St. Francis Xavier Parish for a Virtual Event THE FIRST CATHOLICS IN PHOENIX *How Phoenix grew into a Diocese of 1.2 million Catholics. *How Phoenix developed the largest St. […]

Children’s Book Signing at Scottsdale’s Christmas Artwalk

Sacred Art Gallery 7165 E. Main Street, Scottsdale

Meet debut author/illustrator Elizabeth Sobczyk, creator of Caritas Press’ latest children’s book about a lively little dancer who spreads unbridled joy wherever she goes, lifting everyone she meets from their […]


Honor Your Mother – Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

St. Mary's Parish 230 W Galveston St., Chandler, AZ, United States

Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe starting with a Novena on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. Each night of the novena will be live streamed. Mass will be […]

Book Signing — Rosie Posie Twinkle Toes

Mary Immaculate Books and Gifts 1457 W Southern Ave, Mesa

Meet debut author/illustrator Elizabeth Sobczyk, creator of Caritas Press’ latest children’s book about a lively little dancer who spreads unbridled joy wherever she goes, lifting everyone she meets from their […]


Behind the Veil: A Virtual Tour of Convent Life

Virtual Event

Discerning a vocation to the Consecrated Life? Join the Diocese of Lansing in a virtual Tour of Convent Life, featuring three of our local orders – the Society of Our […]