together let us go forth newman - search results

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Con apoyo de la campaña ‘Juntos’, CDA puede mantener servicios operativos

La Campaña “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” y la Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo (CDA) son dos apelaciones de fondos críticos...

Seasonal and year-round Sedona faithful support campaign to strengthen parish, diocese

Parish demographics are made up of 30 percent visitors and a large number of parishioners whose second home is in Sedona.

Profiles in Mission: Jeff Glenn

Growing up Methodist, I had no experience with Catholic schools (I went through RCIA in 1984 at the Newman Center at ASU when a student).

Physical upgrades to allow parish pair to better welcome future Catholics

They're similar parishes "going forth" into the future in different ways with an end result of making the complementary parishes more identical yet more complete as standalone campuses.

Profiles in Mission: Fr. Matt Lowry

Fifty years ago, visionary people who valued college students got together and built the Newman Center.

Recursos de campaña ayudan a parroquia a servir a los pobres, proporcionar becas, incrementar...

A medida que la campaña “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” se abre camino en la Diócesis de Phoenix, se desafía a las parroquias individuales a ser parte del esfuerzo histórico para recaudar $100 millones en apoyo de las iglesias, escuelas, obras de caridad y de los fieles.

Campaign calls faithful to discipleship

God sent the prophets, then John the Baptist and finally Jesus to prepare the way for something that was big, new and perhaps both...

‘Juntos Sigamos Adelante’ enfocada en preparar al diócesis para futura

Obispo Olmsted quiere "muchos más misioneros discípulos y personas de cualquier edad y cultura que conocen a Jesucristo y lo aman y por lo tanto, invitan a otros a seguirlo”.

Dual celebrations reflect on growth, future of diocese

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted shared reflections of his own Catholic roots and his vision for planting seeds for the near future of the Diocese of Phoenix through the “Together Let us go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” campaign.“