Head of USCCB vows ‘independence’, ‘accountability’ in addressing abuse, urges Diocesan finance leaders to...

“It’s extremely important that everyone in church finance work has a disciple’s heart, especially right now,” Cardinal Daniel DiNardo said.

Attending Mass on Sunday night becoming new tradition for many Catholics

"It definitely provides a service," one New York pastor said. "People have come up and thanked me for the Mass."

Catholic Charities celebrates 85 years of bringing love of God to hurting world

"We’re doing this for the mission,” its chief executive officer said. That mission includes services like adoption, counseling, sheltering domestic violence victims, affordable housing, refugee resettlement and foster care, to name a few.

5 Things to know about V Encuentro [VIDEO]

The national V Encuentro conference takes place Sept. 20-23 in Grapevine, Texas. Its host diocese, Forth Worth, and its news magazine, offers a brief look at what V Encuentro is and why it matters. (NTC video/Jayme Shedenhelm)

Local Church responds to crisis

The Diocese of Phoenix was in the midst of its own sexual abuse crisis more than 15 years ago and has since been proactive in providing healing for survivors plus preventative measures training for Church employees and volunteers.

Faithful pray to purify church amid newest wave of clergy scandal

“It’s important to understand we are powerless against this evil but not helpless,” Fr. John Lankeit said. “It’s not in our power to fix. The solution to what is going on in the Church is to surrender to the Lord.”

Supporters gather to celebrate 85 years in Arizona for Sisters of Charity of Seton...

SCOTTSDALE — In her final days, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton urged her followers to “be children of the Church.”

Catholic Charities distributes disaster relief to areas hit by Florence

Although the storm was downgraded from a hurricane to a Category 1 tropical storm, it still damaged tens of thousands of homes and left plenty without power.

Path to healing starts with seeking forgiveness, Cardinal Wuerl says

A "Season of Healing" for sexual abuse survivors is underway in the Archdiocese of Washington.

Loyola University bestows alumni award on St. Francis Xavier principal

The Damen Award, named for Loyola University's first president, Jesuit Father Arnold J. Damen, is among the campus's highest honors.